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'The video essay will critically describe a range of contextual perspectives influencing a chosen discipline in creative media production. Identify a range of relevant academic and cultural sources for a personal research project. Critically evaluate information from a range of sources to inform ideas.', as stated by the prospectus for this project, I had to show my understanding of different sources about Auteur Theory, Mise En Scene, Colour schemes and to give examples for each one. 


I think that I managed to show my understanding of the topics I spoke about, being able to go into detail about the different sections and to give an example for each. I explained how each point can influence the audience and showed clips as I spoke that related to my explanation. I sectioned the video to make it understandable to the audience and made it clear when the topics were changing. I didn't add titles at changing each part as I wanted all of the points to work with each other and to show that they all go hand in hand.


What I learnt that an auteur is a director that can be seen as the author of their films, creating a certain style that feels and looks different to other auteurs and stands out from the crowd. Their individual style and complete control over the filming process creates a trademark stamp to the audience that any of their films can be noticed at first glance as they have so much creative force in their films. Auteurs have an individual style and normally don't aim to create a blockbuster film, the story and characters being an important and heavy part of the films that they produce.  I also learnt that Mise en scene is the placement of props and people that are visible in frame, which can be affected by four main aspects; the setting, costume, make-up and lighting.


What I could have added is the research I did about Narrative Structure but decided to keep out of the video as I believed it would make it too complicated and wouldn't link with the points I was making to show my understanding. I learnt that Tzvetan Todorov's narrative theory suggests that all narratives follow the structure above where they begin with equilibrium where the characters are in a balanced setting before progressing for something to disrupt that equilibrium and finally reach a resolution before the equilibrium is restored. 


Clips Used From:


  • Edward Scissorhands

  • Sweeny Todd

  • Alice In Wonderland

  • Dark Knight

  • The Shining

  • Breathless

  • Hateful Eight

  • Psycho

  • Deathly Hallows Part 2

  • Beetle Juice

  • Skyfall

  • Shaun of The Dead

  • Hot Fuzz

  • Worlds End

  • Baby Driver

  • Scott Pilgrim VS the World

  • Pulp Fiction

  • Reservoir Dogs

  • Jackie Brown

  • Blade Runner

  • Blade Runner 2049

  • Spaced

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