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PITCH proposal


In this pitch I discussed my idea and the inspirations behind it, going into detail about my timetable and what I want to be able to achieve. I started out with explaining that throughout the units I have already completed I have learnt many camera techniques, editing techniques and colour grading. I have developed my skills, knowledge and understanding throughout the two years of studying this course, managing to notice the issues in each video and how to improve them next time. I have learnt about colour correction and colour grading and my best works throughout these years are Ria Timkin’s Music Video “Energy” and my documentary “Perception: The Inner Mind” for visuals and getting a message across to the audience.


After explaining what I had already learnt I went into detail about my project and what I wish to create, explaining the target audience and the inspirations behind my work and how they will influence the overall outcome of my video. I aim to create a short film under the working name of ‘Transfer’ with the sole purpose to entertain an audience of the ages 15 and over. I aim to make the total running time between five to ten minutes and to edit the production with Premiere Pro CC. The concept of the video is that Scott is your traditional everyday human but has a secret power that only comes to life when he falls asleep. He says resolute in his opinion but his friend, Marshall, says otherwise when Scott gets dragged into over the top scenarios when he is in a dream state, putting him in more danger than before.


This was important as it allowed me to discuss my ideas out loud and to see if others understood my idea and what I am planning to achieve, revealing some of the bumps or difficulties of the project. It also allowed me to present my ideas in a different way than writing, being able to discuss the ideas and gain a second opinion on the project.









Throughout the units I have already completed I have learnt many camera techniques, editing techniques and colour grading. I have developed my skills, knowledge and understanding throughout the two years of studying this course, managing to notice the issues in each video and how to improve them next time. I have learnt about colour correction and colour grading and my best works throughout these years are Ria Timkin’s Music Video “Energy” and my documentary “Perception: The Inner Mind” for visuals and getting a message across to the audience.


My strengths so far have been proven that I am able to get a message across to the audience that I want them to understand and creating a good story line, something to improve upon being the visuals behind them. Although the visuals is an infinitesimal problem that I face with each production, I have been proven to execute it well in Ria Timkin’s Music Video “Energy” and was the most visually aesthetic than what I have been able to produce before.


Perception: The Inner Mind:

Ria Timkin- Energy:


As a director I want to create films that can make people smile or to provoke emotions in the audience from the connection to characters. I wish to create films where the audience become invested in the characters although they may not understand their motives, making them feel realistic and truthful to the World. Detail is important in vision and storytelling in my eyes, stories being an element where surprise can some to the audience and the visions impacting the story.





For this project I aim to create a short film under the working name of ‘Transfer’ with the sole purpose to entertain an audience of the ages 15 and over. I aim to make the total running time between five to ten minutes and to edit the production with Premiere Pro CC. The concept of the video is that Scott is your traditional everyday human but has a secret power that only comes to life when he falls asleep. He says resolute in his opinion but his friend, Marshall, says otherwise when Scott gets dragged into over the top scenarios when he is in a dream state, putting him in more danger than before.


Throughout this project I will aim to carry out different forms of research to understand the context of short films and how to produce one in my own unique style. The research that I will carry out will be qualitative and quantitative research to understand what is good and what needs to be improved upon throughout the production, research into different directors to gain knowledge and inspiration and plenty about different camera techniques and angles that I could implement into my own production. This will help me understand how I can use the camera equipment available to me in the best techniques and aesthetic ways that are possible for those certain devices. I will carry out peer feedback to understand the quality of my video and to gather accurate data on the opinions of my project, allowing to use these to alter my video throughout production and what new research I may have to carry out, linking back to the use of research.


I chose the audience age of 15+ as that is the ages of my actors and fits well into the regime that I want to create this film under, not fitting under an 18 rating so the best decision being to make it for 15+. From my questionnaire I discovered that my target audience fits into the range, being the most active on the questionnaire and showing the interest of my audience. This allows me to alter my project to suit the audience and meet their needs and standards. I looked at these two age ratings to compare them as they are in the range of my target audience, allowing me to determine what I should include and which things I shouldn't. Although I plan to make mine PG there will be some violence included, this being good to research to understand the ratings. For a 15 they allow strong violence but not to dwell on the infliction, gore being unlikely whereas a 18 allows much more violent scenes to show the audience that the character enjoys hurting others. With this it allows me to understand that for my audience of 16 to 19 that I can show more violence but not to explicit for the younger ages, making it easy enough to carry out the violence and fight in my own production without having to worry about the age ratings.

With producing a short film I will take the experience that I gained from the past short films that I have produced to alter my decision and problem solving in this next project. By taking the issues from these two project I will be able to implement the information into my planning to avoid repeating the same issues with this new project. An example of this can be that in ‘Born To Die’ you could see the chairs in the background of the frame, myself being able to take this information and ensure that the surroundings fit to the style that I want to create to influence and entertain the audience in my own way.


Born To Die:

Two Tied Thieves:




I will document changes throughout my work in my development journal, explaining why I changed it and how it will improve my work. I shall carry out this evaluation throughout the production to make sure that I can understand the issues throughout my project to improve them or to understand how to alter the footage to make it work better. I will evaluate my work by experimenting with camera angles for my video and watch them back, analysing what works and what could be changed. I will also evaluate my work by looking at the assignment list to make sure that my written work is up to standard and to make sure I don’t miss anything, allowing myself to plan my video to the best potential that I can before filming the final production.


Qualitative and quantitative research will also be used to evaluate my work throughout the project at different time aspects to understand what is good and what needs to be improved upon throughout the production. For qualitative research I will carry out a focus group to get feedback on the quality of my video, being able to gain accurate data for the opinions of my project, seeing how well the project keeps the audience entertained. For quantitative research I will provide the audience with a questionnaire to gather data on the target audience and being able to aim my project at the audience through better understanding and statistical analysis.




For the first few weeks I shall be carrying out research to understand short films better and to gather more knowledge on the subject (February to March). Following this I shall be completing the pre-production to a high standard, making sure that all sections have been completed and are to a professional standard (March). By having the paperwork finished to completion will allow me to understand my project better and further know what issues may occur. After this I will carry out some experimentation when continuously writing journal entries to keep myself up to date and being able to use it to reference back to when confused (March- April). The experimentation will be used to practice camera techniques and will start to implement some experimental filming with the cast and some rough edits (April). I will also carry out script reading and performances with the cast before starting to film the project in full, leaving enough time to edit and re-film if any shots do not work the way I wished them to (April filming).












My research sources are going to be the internet, film analysation, TV programmes and feedback from others. From these resources, I shall be able to find the information I need to complete my video and to watch other short films to see how they are presented and presented to the audience. I will also reference to the Harvard system when needed to make sure my work is at high standard for the video I want to complete. I will carry out a bibliography throughout the project where needed and will update it frequently.



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