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"I just wanted to say massive massive MASSIVE thank you! The video looks absolutely stunning!!!! I love it so much: all the shadows, angles, projections, lights, everything looks amazing! I am sure it will be a major success and the blogs will love it! And can I just say that the shot on 2:36 looks absolutely identical to how I imagined it in my head!!! Thank you so much! Being honest, you nailed A LOT of the shots to exactly how I imagined it, so it is really amazing! Thank you so so much! I couldn't be more happier with the final product! I really hope it will help you in your studies and portfolio!"
- Ria Timkin, Singer.
Song: Energy
Role: Director, Camera Operator, Editor
"Really love the video. We are going to put together a release strategy and get the video out over the next couple of weeks as an official one. Fantastic work, really love the concept. If you have any ideas for other STM songs then we would be more than happy to work with you again."
- Shoot The Moon, Band.
Song: Something Like This
Role: Camera Operator, Editor
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