Finished Music Video
It's also been released as their official video on their channel:

Music Video Inspiration
Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Lygon Street Meltdown This video is where our idea of the black and white style came from. We liked this style...

Communication between STM and Us (Also emails to Amy)
We sent emails off to Amy to see if she could find us some actors. The posts she put out was unsuccessful.

Music Video Evaluation
We were challenged with filming a music video for an unsigned band or artist for this assignment. We had to find a band or artist by...

Green Screening and Effects- Music Video
This was the steps we did to get the effects we ended up with in our final music video which gave off the Ska Punk style. This process...

Music Video Mindmap
This was our planning process for the music video, coming up with ideas for a narrative, experimental and performance based video. We...
Weather Report
Day 1 On the first day the weather was cold and frosty. This made the shots look great for the camera but made the filming process much...
Stourhead Questions
What is your job? How are you carrying out restoration and conservation in your area? What methods do you use? Can you explain to us how...