Editing Process- Music Video
13 Hours of editing overall it took to create this music video. In the video above, I recorded the first 5 hours and 30 minutes of the...

Choreographing My Fight Scene
Myself and the actor for the villain, Anna, started practicing the fight scene. We managed to choreograph the main fist fight, and some...

Communication and Planning
This was the communication between Myself and Ria and her manager, Keira. This is how we communicated our ideas and organised the date to...

Analysing The Requirements for a Creative Media Project- Research Essay
In this essay, I will be looking into some existing media products of fight scenes to analyse their codes, conventions, techniques and...
Ria Timkin MoodBoard

Codes and Conventions of A Fight Scene
CHARACTERS- VILLAIN AND HERO The hero controls the action in the fight scene in many cases but the villain can also have the upper hand,...

Critical & Contextual Awareness in Music Video Production- Essay
In this essay, I will be analysing six different music videos speaking about their context, meaning and style of music video and types of...