Analysis of Podcast Shows
Ear Biscuits- Good Mythical Morning Ear Biscuits is a podcast created by the team of Good Mythical Morning (GMM) and is presented by...

Getting A Band/Artist For Music Video
For our music video project, we were challenged to find an unsigned artist or band to create a music video for. After looking on websites...

Ideas for Podcast Topics
A new assignment has been set at College to create a podcast in a documentary style. The podcast has to go on for two to five minutes and...

Mannequin Challenge
A popular trend of 2016 swooped its way to our college, allowing us to do our own version in the TV and Film Studio. We had to organise...

Stourhead Videos- Day 1Journal
On the 1st December, we were challenged to get some b-roll clips for the promotional video we are creating for Stourhead. We were split...