Research into Colour Correction and Colour Grading
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COLOUR GRADING AND COLOUR CORRECTION? Colour correction is the primary colour changing for any kind of...

How To Write A Fight Scene
STEP 1: KNOW THE FIGHTING STYLE Having the knowledge of the fighting style is important as it can conclude the overall look and feel in...

Choreographing My Fight Scene
Myself and the actor for the villain, Anna, started practicing the fight scene. We managed to choreograph the main fist fight, and some...

Analysing The Requirements for a Creative Media Project- Research Essay
In this essay, I will be looking into some existing media products of fight scenes to analyse their codes, conventions, techniques and...

Codes and Conventions of A Fight Scene
CHARACTERS- VILLAIN AND HERO The hero controls the action in the fight scene in many cases but the villain can also have the upper hand,...

Research into Make-Up (Cuts, Bruises and Scars)
As I am doing a fight scene, I have to get a realistic style of bruises, cuts and wounds. I have some understanding of how to already do...

Research into Fight Choreographers' Work
Yung Lee- London Brawling In this fight scene choreographed by Yung Lee, the camera moves with the action and stops when the action...

Research into Fight Scenes and Analysis of Fight Scenes
Split into Sections- Doing this allows the scene to be filmed easier and helps the actors figure out their timing for each section. Cast-...

Research into Directors and Their Work
I am interested in becoming a director and analysing other directors and their work may help me become a better director and inspire me...