My Advert Plan/Research for Skittles Advert
Advert for Skittles
Cast: Two Children and Two, or Four, Adults
Props: Skittles, plain coloured shirts (Green, red, orange, purple etc), cooking tray, laptop, toys (cars and dolls)
Kit List: Camera,Tripod

Location: House (Two floors)
Video Length: 30 seconds
Slogan: "Taste the Rainbow", "Touch the Rainbow".
Idea: Two children are playing in their room with cars and dolls, this will set the scene to the audience. The older child picks up Skittles and runs down the stairs past a picture of a rainbow/colours of the rainbow and runs hand over it, referring to the slogan "touch the rainbow." She runs up to every family member who are busy doing things and gives them all some Skittles, making them smile which will create a pathos advert. She smiles then remembers she forgot her brother and runs upstairs, passing him one and play with the toys again. The camera pans to the side to a shot of the Skittles bag. My idea is to show that Skittles can be shared no matter your age or gender. It is a pathos advert aimed to the Maslow's hierarchy need of love and belonging.

Target Audience: Four years old to twenty year olds. Vibrant and dynamic personalities, "on the go". Being aimed at a younger audience means the bright colours will catch their eye, gaining their attention. For the older audience, it will bring them back to their childhood seeing the bright colours. Skittles can be altered for the target audience in how they are presented.
Skittles are the most popular candy for teenagers and children in the United States as of 2012, and second among chewy sweets when both adults and children are included.
Emotions: Excited, positivity, perspective, good mood and alters senses. Brings a smile onto people's faces. Fun and upbeat.
Cost: 55g for 60p (£1.09 for 100g) in the UK. Affordable for the younger audience.
Rated: 4 out of 5 stars/ 5 out of 5 stars
Health: One serving of Skittles has 250 calories, including 2 1/2 grams of fat and 46 grams of sugar.
Taste: The flavors of Skittles available are original, sour, wild berry, tropical, desserts and dark side. Red has the taste of strawberries, orange the taste of oranges, yellow tastes like lemon, green is the taste of lime, blue tastes like cherry cola and purple tastes like grape.
Colours: Colours of the rainbow, red, purple, orange, green, blue, yellow, orange.
Song: [No Copyright Music] A WAY FOR ME - Nicolai Heidlas

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: My advert is aimed at the need of love and belonging as it is sharing between a family. It can also be aimed at Esteem as it makes the people more confident as it makes them happier. This will cause the audience to believe that the product brings people closer together as they are sharing the sweets and that they will make you positive and in a good mood.
Pathos: My advert will be pathos as it aims to bring happiness and joy to the audience, children enjoying the colours and adults looking at something that could of been a part of their childhood, making them feel like a child again.
Recording Plans: Get enough footage so I don't run out of footage (do each scene twice) and to make sure that I have got the scene looking how I want it to.
1.Long Shot- Two children playing with their toys in their bedroom. One looking bored.(2 seconds)
2.Close Up- Older child picks up the Skittles. (2 seconds)
3.Long/Dolly Shot- Child runs down the stairs past rainbow colours on the wall and runs hand over it.
(3 seconds)
4.Tracking Shot- Follows the child as they hand out sweets to parents around them.(10 seconds)
5.Mid-shot- Child smiling.(3 seconds)

6.Long Shot- Enters the room where the other child is sitting.(3 seconds)
7.Mid-shot- Passes sweets to the other child.(2 seconds)
8.Long shot- Children go back to playing.(2 seconds)
9.Panning Shot- Moves sideways to the packet.(3 seconds)