Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs can be used in advertising to appeal to the audience through the five different sections of hierarchy, the higher on the triangle the less the need.
Physiological-- Physiological adverts are products that are needed to survive such as water and food. These types of adverts can appeal to a wide range of audiences as it is physical survival needs for every living human being, being at the base of the triangle. One company that does this well is Just Eat. Their adverts sell food to the audience but in a way to make it seem that it will make their lifestyle easier although they live a normal lifestyle. This advert can also appeal as love and belonging as it brings friends together to eat.
Safety-- Safety adverts are all about protection of things that are important to you such as animals, family, property and health. These adverts mostly appeal to the older audience, making them feel the need to protect the things they love. One advert that does this is "On you Child's Life." This is an effective advert to parents as the kid is talking to all parents, asking them to protect their children by checking their fire alarms. This creates a sense of security in the audience, seeing how this child had been affected and makes adults want to protect their children as it is part of human nature to do so.
Love and Belonging-- These kinds of adverts appeal to the audience as everyone wants to be loved, whether this be through friendship, family or sexual intimacy. It is a natural human reaction to want to be loved by another, making these adverts appeal to the audience very well.
One company that does this well is Ad Council in their video called "Love Has No Labels| Diversity and Inclusion." Although this advert isn't selling a product, it is selling to the audience that no matter who you are, as long as you have love you belong. This advert carries a very important message to the human race, the title "Love Has No Labels", showing that love is through partnership, family and friends.
Esteem-- Esteem adverts are to make the audience gain confidence in their selves, gaining respect of others and by others. One advert that targets this esteem is Always advert called "Like A Girl." It comments on the saying "like a girl" and how it has become some style of insult towards another. They flip this in their advert by getting children to say what it is to be "like a girl". These children show normal actions, showing females that "like a girl" is just the same as "like a boy". this advert is to bring self esteem to women, showing them that even if they are a female, they can still do things the same as males and aren't just labelled as "like a girl." This is a clever way of advertising their product, showing that their product will bring self esteem to women and make them more confident in their daily lives if they use this product.
Self Actualization-- Self Actualization adverts are at the top of the hierarchy, meaning they are the least needed to the person but they aim to help others. These adverts can be aimed at every age, race and gender. These normally bring a sense of morality and creativity to the audience, such as charity adverts. Adverts that use Self Actualization are using pathos on the audience, making them realise the poverty and pain in the World. These adverts bring these people to the acceptance of these facts that people are suffering and that they can help them. One advert that does exactly this is an advert by Save The Children called "One Child."
Lifestyle Adverts-- These adverts sell a lifestyle to the audience, showing them that they can have this lifestyle by owning this product. Adverts that do this are normally targeted at one target audience, selling a lifestyle they could have to them. Most adverts that do this use ethos by getting popular celebrities to sell their product to the audience. Heineken is one company that does this, using Daniel Craig aka James Bond to sell a lifestyle to the audience. This advert tries to sell to the audience that their beer will make you live a lifestyle like James Bond. This is a clever way of advertising as it is in place to convince the audience that their product will make them have a lifestyle like the biggest British Film spy to exist.