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Skittles Advert- Proposal, Treatment and Moodboard


I am doing an advert with the working title of "Taste The Rainbow", which is also the tagline of the company. This is a TV advertisement for Skittles. The Purpose of the video is to evoke emotion in the audience, no matter their age or gender (Pathos). These emotions are excitement, happiness and to bring adults back to their childhood to make the product look fun and to bring family together. My target audience is from four to twenty because sweets can be aimed at a wider ranged audience, especially those that are made to share.

I aimed for the younger part of their target audience as my advert will be using bright colours which catches the younger audiences eye. My video will be 30 seconds long as that is the average length for a TV advert. I have learnt that adverts over 30 seconds seem to lose the audiences interest as the advert drags on and 30 seconds seems to keep their attention to the end. I will be using Adobe Premiere to edit my video together and will be using some special effects on the casts tops. The cost should be low, only costing a few pounds (£30 at the most) to buy shirts for the actors and Skittles.


Two children are playing in their room and one child is bored, this will set the scene to the audience. The older child picks up Skittles and runs down the stairs past a picture of a rainbow/colours of the rainbow and runs hand over it, referring to the slogan "Touch The Rainbow." She runs up to every family member who are busy doing things, such as the mother in the kitchen and the father on his laptop, and gives them all some Skittles making them smile which will create a pathos advert. She smiles then remembers she forgot her brother and runs upstairs, passing him one and play with the toys again. The camera pans to the side to a shot of the Skittles bag.

My idea is to show that Skittles can be shared no matter your age or gender. It is a pathos advert aimed to the Maslow's hierarchy need of love and belonging. My setting is a house with two floors to complete and film my advert. My style will be bright and colourful to attract the eye and evoke happiness in the audience and family oriented.


Health and Safety:

To ensure that everyone is safe during the recording of this advertisement, I will ensure all breakable or harmful objects, such as glass, are out of the way so no one gets hurt. This mostly has to be applied to check that the children in the advertisement won't get injured, especially when one child will be running about. I will also make sure there are no objects for the children to trip over whilst running to avoid harm by moving all objects and wires out the way and placed safely. My location, a house, is safe for filming but these assessments will have to be applied to make sure of this so no one will be harmed.

I will also have to ensure that the child moves slow enough so they do not crash or fall into anything. This is to stop anything from breaking and to stop the children injuring themselves.


Mood board:

All the pictures in this mood board express the colours of Skittles and how I should use them. In almost every picture, red is the main basis. As this is the main colour used, I should use red in my advert to symbolise this and the company. The fact that they use red fits to my advert as red can be expressive of love and my advert is aimed to bring people closer together. This can also be shown to bring people together through the imagery of how all the Skittles in the pictures are right next to each other and one picture shows a "share size" packet.

Most colours of the Skittles in these pictures are secondary or heredity colours. Secondary colours and heredity colours are visually bright and evoke more emotion than primary colours because they are mixtures of primary colours. Although primary colours such as red, blue and yellow can evoke many emotions, secondary and heredity colours such as green, orange and violet can evoke more emotions. The colours they decided to use for Skittles can carry multiple emotions, meaning many different interpretations of Skittles can be made, my own being happiness and love. This fits to my aim to love and belonging in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

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