Experimentation and Editing
For production, I started by completing the location recce and a risk assessment to make sure filming went as smoothly as possible, ensuring everyone was safe on the location selected.

Whilst on set, each shot was done multiple times to ensure that I got the right shot and that I would have enough footage to work with. I did shots from different angles from how I may of originally planned as it fitted the scene better or obstacles were in the way to do what I had planned before.
This allowed me to work with more camera angles than I had originally planned and made the product look more professional than my original plans. This also enforced that I was creative with my camera angles and techniques used. I kept the story to how the storyboard was planned, but strayed from the camera shots and angles used. This happened mostly because of the layout of the house limited me to do certain shots. Knowing this now, it will teach me to observe the location more to make sure the shot I plan can be done easily.

The actors took breaks in between as planned to ensure they were hydrated and well fed, ensuring their health was well and not effected. I also ensured that no one was sick on the day of shooting to ensure their safety and lack of energy because energy was needed from the children to create a pathos communication to the audience.
The location used was very colourful which was useful for my advert. As I couldn't alter the rooms, it was perfect that the room was colourful. Many of the colours used in each shot was to do with Skittles colours. The child's room gave this vibe, having yellow, blue and pink in all of the same shot. This gave the feel that there was a variety of colours, just like the variety of Skittles colours. The actors also wore bright and colourful shirts to bring this across, the colours also being associated with Skittles. This made the shoot look much more bright and colourful which I had planned in pre-production to bring across the pathos effect and the style of the advertisement I planned.

In editing, I used warp stabilizer to make the shots look more professional where the camera was handheld in some shots. Many of these were used on tracking shots to ensure the camera wasn't completely shaky. For some, I didn't stabilize them as I wanted the effect to be as if you were following the child to make the audience feel involved.
I also used colour correction to make the colours even brighter to attract the audiences eyes and equalize to make the colours change to the same level of brightness. For some shots when I was recording, the scene wasn't bright enough as lighting was difficult to plan and how much light was entering the room. To make sure there was some natural light, every room I shot in had a window to ensure this. To make it brighter, I used this effect to make the scenes brighter and easier to see for the audience.
Most colours of the Skittles are secondary or heredity colours. Secondary colours and heredity colours are visually bright and evoke more emotion than primary colours because they are mixtures of primary colours. Although primary colours such as red, blue and yellow can evoke many emotions, secondary and heredity colours such as green, orange and violet can evoke more emotions. The colours they decided to use for Skittles can carry multiple emotions, meaning many different interpretations of Skittles can be made, my own being happiness and love. This fits to my aim to love and belonging in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs so I made sure the colours were in the mis en scene or as clothing for the actors.

I wanted to add a rainbow following the child down the stairs. As I didn't know how to do this, I did some research to find out how to do so. After finding out how this effect worked, I decided to do a test on after affects to see how it works. Knowing how the effect now worked, it was now to find out how to remove the barriers in the shot so the rainbow flowed well and looked professional.