Analysis of Podcast Shows
Ear Biscuits- Good Mythical Morning

Ear Biscuits is a podcast created by the team of Good Mythical Morning (GMM) and is presented by Rhett McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln Neal, aka Link. They speak topically and have well planned out episodic opinions and reviews on different sections. They can be found on SoundCloud and can be listened to for free.
Ear Biscuits is a comedy styled podcast that can be for entertainment and sometimes even educational purposes depending what they speak about. The episodes are actually highly factual and helpful to the audience. They list the topics they are going to speak about before hand and what they want to speak about and who with in a possible next episode.

Ear Biscuits can differ in topics and is aimed for teenagers and adults. The topics can vary on child advice, because both presenters are fathers, to sports and movies. They tend to speak about their past experiences to educate the audience on what they shouldn't do. They also mostly speak about weird facts or stories for entertainment purposes and give their opinions on these to add more depth to the episode.
They bring in guests for their show, many being famous YouTubers like Markiplier, and celebrities like Steve Zaragoza, and speak to them about their careers, their past and how they got to where they are. With Markiplier, they speak about how he "wears his heart onto his sleeve", how he is such a dedicated YouTuber to his fans and about his family life when his father died when he was 18 years old.
Their podcasts are structured and mostly contains input from an interview with their guests. They speak more formally but still is informal.
Ep. 61 Markiplier - Ear Biscuits--
"Gamer, vlogger, and creator of one of the fastest growing YouTube channels, Markiplier, joins Rhett & Link this week to discuss the art of creating viral “Let’s Play” videos- walking the line between performance and reality, his emotional final moments with his father, and the extreme impact caused by his decision to share so much of his personal life with his fans."
RT Podcast- Rooster Teeth

RT Podcast is a podcast created by the American TV and Film company by the name of Rooster Teeth. These podcasts doesn't have pin pointed presenters of the podcast but has two main presenters called Gus Sorola and Michael "Burnie" Burns. They have topics to speak about but is more loose and improvised than Ear Biscuits, allowing them to go on tangents about the topic they are speaking about. The episodes can be found on YouTube, Soundcloud, itunes and their website.

RT is a comedy based podcast that are for entertainment purposes. The podcast can also differ in the topics it speaks about for each episode, periodically changing throughout. They may speak about film, their lives and experiences and similar topics to Ear Biscuits.

Their episodes can range in what the topic is and how long they go on for, but it is all for entertainment purposes for teenagers and adults. It contains some adult humour depending on the episode and who is on the podcast. They get a range of different guests in to talk about these different topics.Their guests can vary, many being from their company, but they do get some big stars on the show sometimes that are intertwined with the Film production companies.
RT podcast has up to five people at most where as Ear Biscuits only has three. This means that you may get more responses but it would be much harder to control and keep on track. This also may be the reason why the RT Podcast is more improvisational than Ear Biscuits because it is harder to keep a larger amount of people on track. They speak to each other informally and live stream the podcast, getting input from the audience on Twitter and Facebook.
RT Podcast--

Serial is a podcast which speaks about criminals and follows their time through prison, seeing if they are innocent or guilty for their crime.
These podcasts are structured and scripted, allowing the podcast to be more professional and structured for the audience. This is the most professional podcast because of this and this draws the attention of the audience. The audience find this interesting because they are better to listen to as they don't have awkward pauses.
Serial is a documentary style podcast that is for entertainment purposes and informative purposes. The podcast gains the attention of its viewers through the development of story when they follow someone's time through prison. Their podcasts are all about this topic, meaning it doesn't vary in topic and could become repetitive over time. This topic can be interesting to a wide range of ages and audiences.

One person is presenting the podcast, speaking to another person about this story. It has interviewing techniques but is also a casual chat to the guest. This means that it is easy to structure as there are only two people to script and control.
Serial Podcast--