Music Video Production Journal

3rd January 2017
Storyboard has been completed by myself and Ines. Storyboard had contributions when Anna was in on other days and has been sent to Shoot the Moon. The team have been working well, today also figuring out dates and managing time well. Dates have will be organised to film during these times; 16th January 2017 to 27th January 2017 with the band. Times have been looked at on the Studio wall and has been sent to the band so we can book in the near future.
4th January 2017
Contributions have been coming from everyone in the group, each other giving alternate ideas to one idea and choosing the best of both to put together. Ines wrote the lyrics to the song down and together we linked it to our storyboard, spacing out the length of the shots and where they would fit to the song. Communication with the band for the past month up to now has been close, the manager of the band responding frequently with helpful input about the band and their timetables. Dates are being arranged and they seem to be enthusiastic to record this music video.
6th January 2017
Dates that have been provided to the band aren't available for the band as they work weekdays. I will have to email them again, asking dates to see which days the band can do. I will have to look at the studio bookings again to see if we can rearrange the dates on weekends or half terms, possibly after college times. I have asked if they are available in the half term, being the best week for recording.
9th January 2017
Looking at the style of our video, myself, Anna and Ines have decided to base the style off of Alice in Wonderland and Tim Burton's films. We like the 'weird and wonderful' style that they bring across in a fantasy world, which is what we are trying to present to the audience.
10th January 2017
Dates are not available where the band and ourselves are free to record. We have asked the band about actors, them agreeing with us finding actors. We went and put out a message asking for seven actors. We are now awaiting the response and will have to organise an audition date.
16th January 2017
Today we cut out some instruments from cardboard for the music video. We also talked about props and costumes and checked on actors with no response yet. I am taking the cardboard with me to finish over the weekend.
31st January 2017
We have booked the studio for the 7th February for filming. We have got one actor for us, meaning we can just remove shots with all of the band and get the one actor to play all of the parts. We are also changing the style of the video, using a green screen to get them into another world. It is a last minute change but was needed.
6th February 2017
We filmed the music video today, the shoot being fairly easy and our visionary possible. I have updated the band on where we are with the video to keep them up to date. We have also started to edit the music video, getting all of the clips together before removing the backgrounds. This is also what we shall be doing tomorrow.
8th February 2017
We finished editing the music video and sent it to the band. We are happy with the end results. The editing process took a long amount of time. We also decided to make the video to be black and white as it made the video look more professional and fitted the music genre of Ska Punk much better than our original ideas.
9th February 2017
The band contacted me saying that they love the video and are going to be releasing it as their official music video, giving us credit for making the video. They also said that they would be happy to work with us again in the future.
16th February 2017
The band have uploaded the video as their official video. We are thrilled that it has been used as their official video.