Analysation of the Requirements and Parameters of an Interactive-Based Problem- Essay
This essay is research on augmented reality, talking about some of the uses of Augmented reality and speaking about some examples. I also will be speaking about the positives and negatives, the future uses AR and why augmented reality isn't interesting many people.
Layar is an application that can make a poster come to life with one scan with the app on your mobile devices. You can enhance flyers, posters and even packaging to have interactive content for the audience to interact with. The application allows you to drag video files onto a poster, allowing the poster to come to life.
Augmented Reality is already being used on a large scale, one of the most popular being Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go is a gaming app that you can download on your mobile devices which brings Pokemon to the real World. In this game, you walk around the real world and use your camera. Your camera scans the area around you, allowing their digital creations of a pokemon to appear on the screen in a real life scenario. This application was created to promote Pokemon and to increase fitness, making people going out into the real world to work with AR. Although it had a spike in its popularity, it has decreased in its size now but people are still playing it. Pokemon Go was a huge success, showing Augmented reality to the world of gamers in a positive light. This was one of the most popular games that includes augmented reality and the game went worldwide, showing how successful AR can be when applied to the right things.
Augmented reality has also been used in advertising. Car companies are starting to use Augmented reality in their posters and Star Wars have already used Augmented reality to promote their franchise. Advertising is a large market for augmented reality.
The posters above all have simplicity to them and all play a video. They show different ways of gaining the audiences attention as a regular poster and as an Augmented Reality poster. None of the designs are over complicated but still are able to attract the eye of a walker by. The Star Wars AR poster is the most popular of the ones I picked out, showing how a large and well known film company can get across the promotion. The first poster also shows that it can be used on just a patterned background, gaining the audiences attention as the poster looks artistic and has told them that it is AR at the bottom of the poster.

Some of the other uses of augmented reality are on fighter jet displays, google glass, yelp, apps that show you what your room would look like with different furniture before you buy it and many more applications. A famous social media app called "Snapchat" is also using augmented reality, allowing you to overlay digital information over your face as filters. Snapchat uses facial recognition to scan an area which allows the digital information to be overlayed.
Augmented reality may be popular in many aspects but bring many problems and aren't connecting to the audience as much as companies would wish. As much as augmented reality seems to have its pros, it also seems to have many cons.
Some positives of augmented reality are;
It increases sales for the companies who use it in their posters.
It is useful in planning to not waste money; building objects, re-designing a room.
This technology may allow for surgeries to be simplified.
Augmented reality is a data-adding system that offers cultural, security, and time savings benefits.
Step-by-step instructions and guidelines are presented more accurately via an augmented video to be shown on the mobile device screen.
Allows audiences to become more interactive with advertisements and the world around them.
Some negatives of augmented reality are;
The applications work better on other phones and is rather dependent on good internet connection to work at all.
Not everyone has the application to make these versions of augmented reality to work
People have security issues with augmented reality, feeling that the applications can learn to much about you and your surroundings. This was a large problem for Snapchat (believing that scanning your face was used to send to the police in case they needed to match your face for a crime you commit) and Pokemon Go; being able to scan the persons surroundings and map out their own house.
It hampers peoples interactions with the real world, making them look at a digital screen to project from something in real life rather than taking in the world and experiences around them.
AR wearables can also cause a large amount of eye damage such as tunnel vision, central vision loss and cataracts.
AR wearables can also block your vision, making walking around with them in public more dangerous by roads.
Augmented Reality isn't as popular as many expect it to be. The main reason for this is that it isn't developed enough yet. Although it is clearly here to stay and will be used in the future for car screens as gps, it isn't 100% in its accuracy and people still are not comfortable with augmented reality being around, People feel as if augmented reality is being used to gain information and is invading people's privacy. It was speculated that Snapchat was using facial recognition to send an image of your face to the police to be saved in their data banks. Also, Pokemon Go felt as if it collided with peoples privacy, being able to map the streets they live on and even the inside of their own house, making many uncomfortable with using augmented reality and with good reason.
Augmented reality is rising in the gaming industry but still isn't as large as some want it to be. This is mostly because of Virtual reality. Many more gamers have shown to take to the idea of using virtual reality more than they have with AR. This could be because they enjoy the virtual world more or because augmented reality is still new.
Overall, Augmented reality has it uses in the world but will carry many negatives about it aswell. No matter what we think about augmented reality, it is here to stay and develop, and for the better.
"Augmented Reality: Advantages And Examples". CCM. N.p., 2017. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.
"Impact Of Augmented Reality". N.p., 2017. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.
"The Pros & Cons Of Augmented & Virtual Reality - Humavox". Humavox. N.p., 2017. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.
"The Real-Life Dangers Of Augmented Reality". IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News. N.p., 2017. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.