Augmented Reality Evaluation
We were assigned with the task to create an augmented reality poster. It had to load a video on a poster that would still work as a normal poster.
Through the process of creating this AR poster, I learnt how to use the layar app to create an Augmented Reality poster. It helped me understand how the layar app worked and how simple it was to create an interactive based poster. I also learnt the main differences between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. This helped me understand how the application for AR works better and expanded my knowledge because I knew quite a bit about Virtual Reality beforehand. I created the poster itself in Photoshop before exporting it and applying it into the Layar app.

Compared to professional posters, I believe mine could work just as well. I researched Skittles posters beforehand and made sure that it fitted to their themes. It works well for advertisement and looks like a professional poster in both AR and natural purposes.Compared to other products such as the Harry Potter poster, it works similarly and looks just as professional. Although Harry Potter already made Augmented reality fit into their logistics from the books and moving wanted signs, my poster advertises in a very similar way and plays a video. Mine may not be as professional but manages to present the audience with a video to watch.
The whole process of making this poster went well and was simple enough to understand, making there be no problems throughout the making. The most difficult part was making the poster work in Augmented Reality and as a normal poster. Nothing really went wrong because I have created a normal poster before and I know to design a poster from past assignments. The layar app also works well with the poster files and was easy to apply video. No problems were really evident throughout this project and was fairly easy to complete, making this project run smoothly throughout. Layar runs smoothly and is easy enough to follow, making each step of creating this poster easy and quick. It doesn't take long to upload your files and is easy enough to share with others through social media.
If I could improve this project, I would of made the video fit the whole screen instead of just part of the screen. It didn't fit with the portrait design of the poster and made it difficult to correlate them. In the future, if we were to do another assignment like this, I would like to make a poster which would move when scanned or correlated better with the poster. The app also sends you to YouTube which I would like to change to make the video play when it is scanned. In the future, I would make the video play after being scanned than having to be clicked on to be sent to YouTube.
Overall, the project was simple and easy to complete. There was no large complications because the app was easy enough to use and the poster works as a normal poster and in Augmented reality.