My Role- Stourhead Project

Before Filming
I am going to be the director of my group for this Stourhead project. I will be making sure that every component of the project goes smoothly. I will also work with individuals in charge of lighting and scenery, such as Anna McGuinness who is D.O.P (director of photography), to make sure all elements come together. I have to make sure everything is scheduled and all paperwork has been completed that are necessary before filming.
After Filming
Day 1-- I was operating cameras and carrying equipment as there wasn't much directory needed. I did input some ideas for shots and tried to make sure we didn't get similar shots to the other groups walking around. I also tried to make sure we got a range of shots from different angles and enough footage overall.
Day 2-- I was a camera operator as our other camera operator was ill. We did the two professional shots that our tutor told us to do the day before we went. I had to hold the camera as still as possible because we only had one tripod. I also had to make sure the audio was working on both cameras and that the others knew how the Tascam worked. I was also put in charge with Gonsalo to organise everyone on where they were shooting and when. I had to make sure my group was on time to every interview to be punctual and not to waste the interviewees time.
I was producer/ director too, making sure the cameras were set up properly and the interviewee knew what we were doing. I worked closely with the whole group and we shared information, myself working closely with Anna as she was the D.O.P. The team worked well together, informing each other of times, questions to ask and communicated when we started to film. Owen would clap for us to sync the audio and cameras, making sure that the editing process would be easier. If someone forgot something, another would put in some more information or input a question to help the person remember.
Overall, I believe that I carried this job role out correctly and professionally, taking the lead when needed. I listened to other people's ideas on shots and who to speak to and made sure to work closely with the whole group, especially the D.O.P. I think that this role was a suitable role for me because I could carry it out and still get the footage we needed. I also made sure everyone was on time to each interview and made sure the group got a break.