Weather Report
Day 1 On the first day the weather was cold and frosty. This made the shots look great for the camera but made the filming process much...
Stourhead Questions
What is your job? How are you carrying out restoration and conservation in your area? What methods do you use? Can you explain to us how...

Stourhead Evaluation
We were assigned with the task to film a promotional video for Stourhead, a historical house owned by the National Trust. The topic of...
Peer Assessments of Colleagues
Anna McGuinness Anna was very productive, assertive and communicative in the whole process. Anna did recording on both days we went to...

Stourhead- Day 2 Journal and Behind The Scenes
Day of Filming--17th January 2017 These are photographs to prove that we were the ones recording the footage and taking the photographs...

Stourhead Videos- Day 1Journal
On the 1st December, we were challenged to get some b-roll clips for the promotional video we are creating for Stourhead. We were split...

Sound Test Interview
This was a experimental video for sound testing. We did a quick and silly interview which allowed us to understand how the sound...

My Role- Stourhead Project
Before Filming I am going to be the director of my group for this Stourhead project. I will be making sure that every component of the...

Analysis of Corporate Promotional Videos
There are multiple types of corporate videos to promote a company or its business to either a client or another business that all include...

One Word- Happiness Documentary
We created a short documentary asking people "What makes you happy in one word?" The video was aimed to make the audience happy and being...

180 Degrees Rule
This is a tutorial we created on the 180 degrees rule. In this video, I explain how 180 degrees rule is where one person is placed on the...

Three Point Lighting
Key Light The Key light, also known as the main light, is usually the strongest and has the most influence on the look of the scene...

Stourhead- National Trust Information
Stourhead first opened in the 1740s. A magazine described it as ‘a living work of art’ and the world-famous landscape garden has at its...

Promotional Videos- Codes and Conventions
Promotional videos usually have a set target audience so appropriate imagery text and audio would be used. A promotional video is suppose...