Born To Die- Final Project Feedback
"Great work."- Epic Radio (YouTube) "Lovely content! Keep it up!"- MisterBassBoost (YouTube) "Turned out well. Good potential on the...

Born To Die- Final Video
Songs: "Dark Tension Rising Music | (Download And Royalty FREE)". YouTube. N.p., 2017. Web. 12 May 2017. "Suspense Music Soundtrack | The...
Bibliography- Fight Scene
"How To Shoot An Intense Fight Scene". YouTube. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 May 2017. "Professional Colour Grading Breakdowns". Jonny Elwyn -...

Final Major Project Evaluation- Born To Die
THE IDEA For my final major project I planned to create a fight scene for a film idea I created. It is the final Fight Scene in the Film...

The Editing Process of My Fight Scene
The editing process went well and helped develop my editing skills dramatically as the fight scene had to be edited to a fast and...

Final Project- Development Journal
3rd March 2017 I decided that I would like to do a film trailer for my final major. I mind mapped the genres I was interested in doing...

Research into Colour Correction and Colour Grading
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COLOUR GRADING AND COLOUR CORRECTION? Colour correction is the primary colour changing for any kind of...

How To Write A Fight Scene
STEP 1: KNOW THE FIGHTING STYLE Having the knowledge of the fighting style is important as it can conclude the overall look and feel in...

Pitch Presentation
I had to complete a pitch presentation to present my idea to my tutor for my final major project. In this presentation, I pitched my...

Choreographing My Fight Scene
Myself and the actor for the villain, Anna, started practicing the fight scene. We managed to choreograph the main fist fight, and some...

Analysing The Requirements for a Creative Media Project- Research Essay
In this essay, I will be looking into some existing media products of fight scenes to analyse their codes, conventions, techniques and...

Codes and Conventions of A Fight Scene
CHARACTERS- VILLAIN AND HERO The hero controls the action in the fight scene in many cases but the villain can also have the upper hand,...

Storyboard For FMP
I spent the day planning out my final major project by story boarding the scene shot for shot. I used my shot list and column script to...

Research into Make-Up (Cuts, Bruises and Scars)
As I am doing a fight scene, I have to get a realistic style of bruises, cuts and wounds. I have some understanding of how to already do...