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Eyes like a camera lens but in better definition, your interpretation and impression; perception. (TITLE SCREEN) Create a universe in your reality beside those with different universes in their mind with different impressions. Fed words of expectation through education to the younger minds, knowledge and understanding limited to regulation. Corrupted eyes in worse definition, not experiencing the rest of the World but with views and opinions. Observing the World with little definition, blurred and misunderstood.

Reality isn't always comforting like the words of protection from loved ones, seeing things without knowledge or understanding for the first time. Observing humans as objects, focusing on body language and appearance to add into your World; indirect observation. The basis of being human, viewing through the eyes of upbringing to view those around you. Gaining information like footage to add to your memory, the bias being balanced out from the words fed to you as a child. Misinterpretation being skewered by experience in reality, your perception not always being reality.

Crossed arms, head down, foot on wall; mysterious, defensive, resistant to all.

Crossed arms, head down, foot on wall; quiet, comfortable, upset through the walls.

Hands in pockets, unpredictable with moves.

Hands in pockets, unsatisfied with looks.

Different eyes with different lens like two cameras on different ends. Angle the camera to see what you miss, to understand the knowledge you diss. Perceiving the guy/girl with the lack of information from inside never thickens the book if you don't read in between the lines.

Black and white as a crossing on the road, some following the crossing and others going around the World. Why do some perceive by colour of skin, religion or anything in between? Division between those that preach, an automatic knowledge on those they hated to see. Diversity is known and better understood by those with younger minds and views from the upbringing in differences of time. Dark or light, don't pick a side, widen the lens of those through time and expand the view.

Feminine, masculine; two adjectives of description that are the expectation of reality.

A cook, a carer, a lover; feminine. A worker, a breadwinner, a warrior; masculine.

A woman with strength or a man who cooks, how do we know just by a look?

Homeless or worker, why do we perceive that the facts are correct of the terminology? Stereotypical types of terminology or words that have rattled like a ringing through our ears. An expectation we think to keep, something we don't question but bury in deep.

A man and a woman; who said that was true? Or who said being born one way was meant to be you?

The sea tides change to give you a new view, to see the land on the other side you never knew.

Being as loud and obnoxious as a nuclear bomb or being obsessed with a tea bag because of where you're from. A stereotype perceives in your mind, an indirect image coming to time. Like a magpie to metal, so is your mind, although you may know the difference between the stereotype. Experience like a broken magnet breaks the bonds, perceiving the World for what is really is for. Compared to an object, we observe with little knowledge or just an urge but the lack of security in your mind makes this alter all of the time.

The inner mind of your own walls can be cracked or broken or neither at all. Your compass stares at the horizon of the town, impressionism and interpretation. Playing a game of card where they play go fish merely is made for misunderstanding. A mirror of logic and visionary and loss, knowledge being made or not at all. Perception is the World that you see through but remember that a mirror reflects at you. Eyes like a camera but in better definition, interpretation and impression; perception.


"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."-Albert Einstein

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