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The four actors arrived at 1pm and stayed until 2pm, practicing their lines and giving me time to explain their roles and the story in better detail. This video shows 10 minutes of the script reading and the skills of the four actors, this being important for me to understand the tones in their voices and how they act. This was also important as it allowed me to get to know the actors and to understand them better, myself seeing that they have skills in acting but they were all nervous on the day.

Jaimie enjoyed the script and had fun with the lines, making her characters realistic but also interesting and different. She wasn't afraid to ask questions and help to direct the others, showing that she has had experience in acting before and knows how these processes go. She was interested about the story and the characters as well as the different elements of film making and some of the difficulties behind it. Ellie was the quieter of the group but still delivered the lines correctly and with the correct tone, making her character kind but also fierce towards Jaimie's character, performing well and making the character interesting. Ryan was quiet and had some issues reading the script but his character does have long parts of text, this allowing him to get used to the lines and create the correct tone for the character.

Finally Lucy was professional and brought her own copy of the script, having an interesting tone in her voice and a great voice and facial expressions for the villainous character. They all balance each other well and work well together, managing to bounce off of each other and help each other when they get stuck.

Script reading is important as it allows the audience to experiment with the lines for the actors, allowing them to get used to my writing and the style of how their characters talk. This worked well for them as they could all practice in the same room and gain feedback from myself if they messed up or allowed me to explain certain lines or changes in scenes. One issue with this video is that it was out of focus, not focusing on the faces but can still be seen and understood, the audio being clear.

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