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‘When Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) jump-starts a dormant peacekeeping program, things go terribly awry, forcing him, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and the rest of the Avengers to reassemble. As the fate of Earth hangs in the balance, the team is put to the ultimate test as they battle Ultron, a technological terror hell-bent on human extinction. Along the way, they encounter two mysterious and powerful newcomers, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff.’- Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

For my project I aim to create a short film under the working name of ‘Transfer’ with the sole purpose to entertain an audience of the ages 15 and over. I aim to make the total running time between five to ten minutes and to edit the production with Premiere Pro CC. The concept of the video is that Scotia is your traditional everyday human but has a secret power that only comes to life when she falls asleep. She stays resolute in his opinion but her friend, Marshall, says otherwise when Scotia gets dragged into over the top scenarios when she is in a dream state, putting them in more danger than before.

I wanted to continue the analysis of The Avengers (2012) with this analysis to understand how a large franchise like Marvel is able to present a story line and the characters to the audience and how they continue the development from the first film, The Avengers, to the new film, Age of Ultron. By being able to have characters develop so fluently but also being able to understand the characters without having to watch the first film also being an important element which they are able to pull off. I wanted to research into the development without the audience knowing their pasts as if they have watched this film only and how they are still able to understand the story and characters as that’s how I wish to start my own short film. I want my characters to have already developed off screen but is able to be picked up on by the audience through their personality and their conversations, my example of this being that the main character has had dreams like this before the film has even started, this being told to the audience to help them understand that the characters have developed off screen.


Narrative structure is important as it allows the audience to understand the story and to give reason behind the story that you are trying to convey to them. It allows the audience to understand the characters and the reactions that they have to different situations, being able to link up the events throughout to make sense no matter what narrative structure you follow. It also allows the audience to understand the details that are in the film, allowing them to take the information to understand the story and meaning behind the film in better detail.

Throughout the film there are main missions that are made clear to the audience, similarly to The Avengers (2012), the first main mission being getting the Scepter back from HYDRA which the audience is put into right at the beginning of the film. The audience joins them in the midst of their mission, fighting soldiers, to retrieve the Scepter and the mission is made clear to the audience as Thor talks to the other avengers about the mission. It allows the audience to appreciate the character development that fuels the narrative structure and to feel happy at how far the characters have come and developed to be able to fight alongside each other with such ease. This makes the audience, once again, feel the sense of achievement for the characters and allows them to become excited when they see the exceptional teamwork that they perform together and are also to joke towards each other when fighting their enemies.

One of the missions of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner is to create Ultron to help protect the World from attacks from outer space. Fear is what causes Tony to take action without discussing his plans with any of the avengers, except Banner, on creating Ultron to protect the World and his friends. He wants to create a shield around the World of artificial intelligence to protect the civilians and is a pivotal point in the film, this being made clear to the audience by the tone that the characters speak in about this experiment. The fact that Tony doesn’t discuss it beforehand and rushes into the creation of Ultron also helps the audience gain a feeling of worry as they are able to pick up on that something will go wrong in the creation of Ultron, allowing them to see it as a pivotal point in the film once the villain is created.

Another pivotal point of the film is when Wanda breaks all of the Avengers, apart from Clint and Tony, by showing them their fears and all of them become un-functional in the helicarrier. This shows the audience that this has affected the characters strongly and will be able to alter how the characters act towards each other and could tear the avengers apart, the audience being able to see some of the strongest avengers break from seeing their fears before them. Although it is a smaller mission in the film, it is just as important as it allows the audience to see the characters break and be thrown off of their tracks which they are normally seen following without any issue, showing the audience how powerful Ultron is and how well executed his plan is.

The main mission of the film is to defeat Ultron, bringing in the first three missions and connecting them all together to the final battle against Ultron. The audience sees the avengers overcome the outcomes of the first three missions and working in a team to take down the threat of Ultron, presenting to the audience how much the characters have developed and how much they now understand each other as a team. It shows the audience that the characters work well as a team and that their fighting styles complement each other in battle and that their personalities also help inspire each other to continue fighting against Ultron, becoming stronger as a team than they ever were before.



From the events of the last film, Tony Stark has anxiety attacks and fears that he shows throughout Iron Man 3 but puts on a mask throughout the film. This allows his character to continue developing throughout the film from the last, this scene that shows his fear of him leading his friends to their deaths allowing the audience to understand how much the Battle of New York affected Tony as a character and why he takes the actions he does throughout the film, feeling that he won’t do enough to protect his friends from danger.

This fear is what causes Tony to take action without discussing his plans with any of the avengers, except Banner, on creating Ultron to protect the World and his friends. He wants to create a shield around the World of artificial intelligence to protect the civilians but when things go awry he starts to feel guilty for his actions and starts to believe that the fear he was shown by Wanda is what will become true, this showing the audience his motivation and why he is taking such a rash action when he normally thinks his plans through before continuing with them. This causes him to argue with the others as he believes the actions he took were to protect the World and was what he believed was best but should have discussed it with the team, once again putting on his mask of ‘playboy, genius, billionaire, philanthropist to hide his emotions behind.

Tony eventually comes around and accepts Captain America as the leader of the avengers once again, now believing in the words that Rogers told him and is now facing his fear (1:30-1:33). This shows the audience that Tony has become braver and more of a hero since the first movie and his sacrifice, showing that behind the mask is a caring man that just wants to protect the World. With the guilt that he feels of creating Ultron this helps him stay motivated to defeat Ultron to stop his own creations from destroying the World, this being something that he has never wanted to happen and has stated many times throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Captain America doesn’t develop as much as the other characters but is shown to take the leadership role more seriously than in the first Avengers movie, now being respected as such and being able to lead the dysfunctional group of heroes. Captain America doesn’t have superhuman powers but through the super-solider serum and his ‘vita-ray treatment’, his strength, agility, speed, reflexes and healing is superhuman. The super-soldier serum is also capable of making his personality traits stronger such as his sense of right and wrong and his want to protect the World from danger. This is evident throughout the film as he leads the group to defeat Ultron and to make the team become more of a team than they were before, showing the audience that he has developed into a more confident and effective leader for the avengers.


Unlike in the first film, Hawkeye gains a lot more development and importance in the team throughout the film, showing the audience just how important he is to the team. When all of the other members have been caught in their fears by Wanda, Hawkeye is the only one to not get caught as he has already experienced mind control, being able to sense her coming and stopping her in time before she can capture him (0:38-1:00). Clint is the one to bring them all to safety, along with the help of Stark, and keeps them safe during the film by fighting alongside them. Throughout the film you get to see more of his skills which shows the audience why he is important to the team and reminding them that he is the World’s best marksman by never missing a shot throughout the whole film.

Hawkeye is the only character that brings the viewer back down to Earth and keeps them grounded as he is revealed to have a family that is hidden at a farm in the middle of nowhere, showing the audience that he is the most grounded and human character which allows the audience to connect with this character more than before. From the first film, the audience knew very little about Clint but this helps explain to the audience why he is quiet and normally careful with his words as he is trying to keep his family safe from the battles he fights in, this making the audience care more for this character.

Clint Barton, Hawkeye, is shown to hate Pietro Maximoff from the very beginning of the film and throw each other the line ‘didn’t see that coming?’ when they are able to attack the other without them expecting it. Clint slowly starts to grow a liking for Pietro, stating that he ‘misses them already’ when Pietro runs past him to pick up his sister and continues running, leaving Clint in the dust behind them. When Pietro sacrifices his self to save Clint and the child, becoming the hero he was made to be, Clint is shown to also be injured when they get onto the carrier, lying down beside Pietro’s body and showing that he now understands that he didn’t give Pietro enough time to get to know him but thanks Pietro for saving him without any words. This allows the audience to notice what a friendship the two characters could have developed if Pietro hadn’t of died and how Clint really felt about Pietro behind the cockiness that the two characters had towards each other.

Hey, look at me. It’s your fault, it’s everyone’s fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know, cause the city is flying. Okay, look, the city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense. But I’m going back out there because it’s my job. Okay? And I can’t go my job and babysit. It doesn’t matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out the, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you’re good, I’ll send your brother to come find you, but if you step out that door, you are an Avenger. Alright, good chat. Yeah, the city is flying.’- Clint’s speech to Wanda (Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki, 2018).

Clint Barton and Wanda also are shown to have a connection that is shown throughout the battle, Clint giving Wanda a speech to try and get her to go back and fight. Once again he is the character that takes the reality and uses it as a speech to influence Wanda, reminding her that the situation makes no sense at all but he will be going back out to fight because it’s his job. This also helps the audience to come back to reality and realise the ridiculousness of the situation that they are fighting in, allowing the audience once again to connect with Clint as he is the most grounded out of the avengers. This shows the audience how dedicated Clint is although he may not be able to win the fight that he will continue to fight because it’s his job, showing the audience how much Clint has grown as a character since the first film and the amount of depth behind his character that was missed in the first film.


Wanda Maximoff, the youngest of the Maximoff twins, can tap into mystic energy for reality-altering effects, being important in Ultron’s plan to hurt the avengers from the inside by showing them their worst fears. Wanda was a native of the Eastern European country, Sokovia, and grew up there along with her twin brother, Pietro. Wanda wants to help purge Sokovia of its strife and the twins agree to undergo experiments with the scepter under the supervision of Wolfgang von Struckers’ HYDRA cell. This is where the twins gained their superpowers and joined Ultron to get revenge on Tony Stark for creating the bomb that killed their parents. When they discover Ultron’s true intentions, the twins switch sides and help the avengers fight against him.

Wanda also is shown to the audience to care for her brother, making sure that he is okay after he moves civilians out the way of the train with his super speed and screams in upset when she feels that Pietro has died to save Hawkeye. This denotes to the audience that the siblings had a strong connection that she can feel when he is no longer present in the World of the living, this being clear to the audience throughout the whole film. This can explain why she decided to join the Avengers afterwards, wanting to continue fighting to avenge the World for her brother’s sake. (2:15-2:35)


Pietro Maximoff, the eldest of the Maximoff twins, has super speed and is shown to the audience to be arrogant, angry and filled with angst throughout the beginning of the film. Pietro was a native of the Eastern European country, Sokovia, and grew up there along with his twin sister, Wanda. Pietro wants to help purge Sokovia of its strife and the twins agree to undergo experiments with the scepter under the supervision of Wolfgang von Struckers’ HYDRA cell. This is where the twins gained their superpowers and joined Ultron to get revenge on Tony Stark for creating the bomb that killed their parents. This shows the audience that his personality is influenced by wanting revenge against Tony Stark but once he starts to fight with the avengers, the audience gets to see what he really is like and how far he has come throughout the film.

Pietro and Clint Barton, Hawkeye, are also shown to hate each other from the very beginning of the film and throw each other the line ‘didn’t see that coming?’ when they are able to attack the other without them expecting it. After Clint helps his sister to come back out and fight against Ultron, Pietro is shown to grow more towards Clint. With Pietro’s development and Clint helping his sister, when he sees Clint saving a child and a plane about to shoot him down to save the child, Pietro sacrifices his self to save Clint and the child, becoming the hero he was made to be. This allows the audience gets to see what he really is like and how far he has developed throughout the film, being able to sacrifice his self to save others which he wouldn’t have done at the beginning of the film.


Like Captain America, Thor is also a character that doesn’t develop as much throughout the film but allows the audience to see his fears when Wanda takes control of his mind. With this fear about his friends dying, it allows the audience to see what he really fears and who he really is, not being as tough and mighty as he makes his self out to be. (0 seconds to 0:19, 2:13-2:31). He learns that he can be affected by things just as much as the other characters from his dream, which allows the audience to understand these facts about the character and how it may cause him to develop in future films. This film is more set up to help him develop in upcoming films and is made clear to the audience when he is left with his thoughts throughout the film, hinting that he will gain more development in a future film (Thor: Ragnarok).


Vision, the newer version of Ultron created by Tony Stark, makes his first appearance in this film, being a physical form of Stark’s AI, J.A.R.V.I.S. When he is first born, he is shown to be violent towards Thor until he sees the World around him, quickly apologising for his actions towards the characters. This makes the audience feel confused about the character and makes them question whether Vision will be reliable and trustworthy after what happened to Ultron but quickly is dismissed by Vision being able to pick up Thor’s hammer, showing that he is worthy of power and can be trusted to the audience. Unlike the other characters, Vision doesn’t have many flaws compared to the others, saving Wanda from the explosion and fighting along with the avengers as he is on the ‘side of life’ to take down Ultron who wants destruction.

Vision is called ‘naive’ by Ultron when Vision explains why it is an honour to be amongst humans but this allows the audience to see how much Vision has learnt about the World and how important he will become in future films, allowing the audience to like this character from his sincerity about the topic. It shows how much he has been able to develop from the beginning to the end in such a short amount of time and how quickly he is able to get the audience and the avengers on his side once they realise he is a good willed character. With one of the infinity stones in the centre of his forehead allows the audience to understand how much power this character has and that he will become more important in the future (Avengers: Infinity War).


Ultron, an artificial intelligence peacekeeping programme created by Tony Stark from the mind stone to protect the World from threats out of this World, becomes sentient and steers to the path of destruction, becoming the villain of the film. ‘Ultron however had soon deemed humanity itself as the greatest threat to peace on Earth and attempted to create a technological singularity by committing genocide against them, leaving only metal in his wake.’- Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki (2018).

‘Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability? You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword, and the Earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me; it means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world... will be metal.’- Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki, 2018).

Ultron delivers a cold-blooded speech to the avengers which allows the audience to understand how large of a threat Ultron has become and his intentions to destroy the World, showing what A.I. is capable of if it becomes too sentient. This speech shows the audience that there is no plan on turning Ultron back to a normal A.I. and that he needs to be destroyed, becoming too human and sentient than he was supposed to be. He is shown to have emotions, seeming upset when Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver turn against him once they find out his plans and that they have been used for it, this allowing the audience to see that the A.I. had developed emotions and a true hatred for humanity, not just a code that had been implemented into his system.


The Avengers are seen to develop and become stronger as a team, all of them fighting side by side in the final battle against Ultron. The development of all of the characters as a group, with the original six and new recruits, they are shown to work well as a team and are now the heroes that Fury believed them to be in The Avengers (2012). It allows the audience to appreciate the character development that fuels the narrative structure and to feel happy at how far the characters have come and developed to be able to fight alongside each other with such ease. It shows the audience that the characters work well as a team and that their fighting styles complement each other in battle and that their personalities also help inspire each other to continue fighting against Ultron.


Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, better known as the Maximoff twins, are shown to have a strong bond towards each other from the very beginning of the film to the very end. Pietro comes to rescue Wanda when she is attacked by Hawkeye and is shown calming her down when she has used her powers to show their fears, knowing that she is facing issues with having experienced their fears along with them. Wanda also is shown to the audience to care for her brother, making sure that he is okay after he moves civilians out the way of the train with his super speed and screams in upset when she feels that Pietro has died to save Hawkeye. This denotes to the audience that the siblings had a strong connection that she can feel when he is no longer present in the World of the living, this being clear to the audience throughout the whole film.

Pietro and Clint Barton, Hawkeye, are also shown to hate each other from the very beginning of the film and throw each other the line ‘didn’t see that coming?’ when they are able to attack the other without them expecting it. After Clint helps his sister to come back out and fight against Ultron, Pietro is shown to grow more towards the character and Clint also states that he ‘misses them already’ when Pietro runs past him to pick up his sister and to continue running. With Pietro’s development and Clint helping his sister, when he sees Clint saving a child and a plane about to shoot him down to save the child, Pietro sacrifices his self to save Clint and the child, becoming the hero he was made to be. Clint is shown to also be injured when they get onto the carrier, lying down beside Pietro’s body and this allows the audience to notice what a friendship the two characters could have developed if Pietro hadn’t of died and how Clint really felt about Pietro. Clint is also shown to name his new born son, Nathaniel Pietro Barton in remembrance of Quicksilver.

Clint Barton and Wanda also have a connection that is shown throughout the battle, Clint giving Wanda a speech to try and get her to go back and fight. This shows the audience that Clint cares for all of the characters and wants her to fight against the threat, not sit and believe that she is the problem that caused what is happening to Sokovia. The two become close after the speech that Clint gives Wanda and shows her that she can start over again and become an avenger, Clint being her inspiration to go out the doors and to continue fighting the threats the Ultron sends their way. Once Wanda comes out, she protects Clint and shows the audience that they have connected after their conversation and that their friendship will continue to grow.

Iron Man and Captain America are shown to have an interesting friendship, both men having the same goal to protect the Earth but with different ways of executing it. The two also don’t understand each other’s past or what they are like which causes them to butt heads often throughout the film similarly to the first film but with different implications. Captain America just wants to lead the team and to protect them and the World from danger but doesn’t know what Tony has seen in his dream which is altering his behaviour. Their relationship in this film is different to the first, which is clear to the audience as Tony is now acting out of fear and Steve is acting out of care, making their friendship more understood than hateful towards each other unlike the first film, Captain America telling Tony that they can defeat Ultron together which Tony retorts later in the film to show that he now understands Captain America.

When the avengers learn of Clint’s family, it is shown that Natasha is already aware of his secret family and is called Aunt Nat by his children, also knowing about his wife being pregnant with another child. This is a shock to the avengers and the audience as this is the first time it is revealed to both the audience and the avengers but allows the audience to understand that Nat and Clint have known each other and developed their friendship before the avengers assembled together. This explains to the audience how close the two characters are and why in The Avengers (2012) she was one of the first to join the avengers when she learnt that Clint had been compromised, this showing the audience that these two characters are more like family to each other than friends. Clint also returns the favour of saving Nat in this film, picking her up after she had been shown her fear by Wanda and getting all of the avengers to safety.

Black Widow and Hulk are also two characters that develop a strong relationship towards each other, Natasha being able to connect with Bruce and the Hulk. Romanov is also shown to be able to calm down Bruce Banner and the Hulk and has shown what their relationship really is to the audience, making it clear that it is a romantic relationship blossoming between the two characters. Natasha seems to be the only character out of the avengers that has a connection with the Hulk and Bruce Banner, the only one also being successful in calming down the Hulk effectively with a lullaby. This makes it clear to the audience that their relationship is romantic and sweet, showing that these two characters do really care for each other and want to start a relationship with each other but Banner is afraid to because of the Hulk.

The development of all of the characters as a group, with the original six and new recruits, they are shown to work well as a team and are now the heroes that Fury believed them to be in The Avengers (2012). It allows the audience to appreciate the character development that fuels the narrative structure and to feel happy at how far the characters have come and developed to be able to fight alongside each other with such ease. This makes the audience, once again, feel the sense of achievement for the characters and allows them to become excited when they see the exceptional teamwork that they perform together. The scene with them all trying to lift Thor’s hammer allows the audience to see them out of fighting and how close the characters have become, being able to joke around with each other in comparison to when they first met.


The importance of this analysis is to understand how a large franchise like Marvel is able to present a story line and the characters to the audience and how they continue the development from the first film, The Avengers, to the new film, Age of Ultron. This can be applied to my production as I have researched into the character development and importance of character development, this being a good example of my understanding of that research by being able to deconstruct the characters and story line to understand how they are presented to the audience. By being a large franchise it explains that the characters and the story line are able to connect to the audience in different ways and is something that I want applicable in my own short film. I wanted the audience to understand my characters and be able to relate to some of their personality traits, wanting the audience to be able to deconstruct my own characters like I have for this film.

By being able to have characters develop so fluently but also being able to understand the characters without having to watch the first film also being an important element which they are able to pull off. I wanted to research into the development without the audience knowing their pasts as if they have watched this film only and how they are still able to understand the story and characters as that’s how I wish to start my own short film. I want my characters to have already developed off screen but is able to be picked up on by the audience through their personality and their conversations, my example of this being that the main character has had dreams like this before the film has even started, this being told to the audience to help them understand that the characters have developed off screen.

For my project I aim to create a short film under the working name of ‘Transfer’ with the sole purpose to entertain an audience of the ages 15 and over. I aim to make the total running time between five to ten minutes and to edit the production with Premiere Pro CC. The concept of the video is that Scotia is your traditional everyday human but has a secret power that only comes to life when she falls asleep. She stays resolute in his opinion but her friend, Marshall, says otherwise when Scotia gets dragged into over the top scenarios when she is in a dream state, putting them in more danger than before.

I wanted to continue the analysis of The Avengers (2012) with this analysis to understand how a large franchise like Marvel is able to present a story line and the characters to the audience and how they continue the development from the first film, The Avengers, to the new film, Age of Ultron. By being able to have characters develop so fluently but also being able to understand the characters without having to watch the first film also being an important element which they are able to pull off. I wanted to research into the development without the audience knowing their pasts as if they have watched this film only and how they are still able to understand the story and characters as that’s how I wish to start my own short film. I want my characters to have already developed off screen but is able to be picked up on by the audience through their personality and their conversations, my example of this being that the main character has had dreams like this before the film has even started, this being told to the audience to help them understand that the characters have developed off screen.



  • J. Whedon. Avengers: Age of Ultron. (2015). [DVD] Marvel Studios.

  • Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki. (2018). Hawkeye/Quote. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki. (2018). Ultron. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki. (2018). Scarlet Witch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • (2018). Scarlet Witch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers vs HYDRA / Opening Scene | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers: Age of Ultron - Final Battle [1080p HD]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers: Age of Ultron - Final Battle (True Full-HD 1080p). [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Hawkeye's Secret 'Safehouse' Scene | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Iron Man's Fear Dream (Vision) - Avengers: Age of Ultron. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Quicksilver's Death Scene | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Stark and Banner Create Ultron 'Ultron Destroys J.A.R.V.I.S. | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) CLIP. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Stark and Banner Create Ultron 'Ultron Destroys J.A.R.V.I.S. | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) CLIP. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). The Avengers, Age of Ultron, Dreamsequence Thor, Captain America, Black Widow. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Tony Stark "We'll Lose" Argument Scene - Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP HD. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers Age of Ultron - Ending Scene [1080p HD Blu-Ray]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers Age of Ultron || QuickSilver Scenes || HD. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers Age of Ultron: You Didnt See That Coming. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). The Avengers: Age of Ultron - Hawkeye & Scarlet Witch HD. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). The Maximoff Twins Meet Ultron - 'Ultron's Plan' | Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP 4K. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Vision Destroys Ultron | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Vision's Birth | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers Age of Ultron - Sokovia Rises [HD 1080p Blu-Ray]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Avengers: Age of Ultron - Final Battle (True Full-HD 1080p). [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Maximoff Twins Meet Ultron | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Maximoff Twins Meet Ultron | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Scarlett Witch Becomes An Avenger | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) CLIP HD (+Subtitles). [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Scarlett Witch Becomes An Avenger | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) CLIP HD (+Subtitles). [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Tony Stark and Steve Rogers 'Argument' Scene | Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP 4K. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Black Widow Tames Hulk - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Movie CLIP HD. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Hawkeye's Secret 'Safehouse' Scene | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Lifting Thor's Hammer | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2018].

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