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The first day of filming was focused solely on the Mafioso scene to make sure that I got all of the right elements for this scene and would have enough time during the week to gather pick up shots. Filming went smoothly, the actors turning up on time and knowing their words off by heart, performing them differently each time to give me a variation of emotions and reactions to what the others were saying. This shoot was the most complicated out of the two as I had to make a conference room in my own home, having brought up a table and making the scene around it look more like a conference room. Of course there was some issues with this location, not being what I had in mind, but it worked well and provided myself with the space to stand in with my actresses and direct them in their actions and how to deliver the lines. I used three cameras, one each focused on one actress to gather the reactions that they had to the words as cutaway footage, being able to use this to make scenes longer or more impactful to the audience.

The second day of filming was with the two main actors, Jaimie Rossiter and Ryan Edwards to gather the rest of the conversational footage that they were in to complete the project. With three different locations, we started outside at Hamilton Park when the sun was out, one of our worries that it was going to rain from the weather reports. Luckily it didn't rain and we shot when the sun was out under shaded trees as the actors were starting to get hot out in the sun. This led to some issues with the lighting, some of the shots on the bench being darker than others that I tried to fix in editing but wasn't possible to get them to the same level. This was one of the few issues visually that I had and I wasn't able to fix it completely in editing as it would become to exposed, this being one of the visual issues throughout the project. For the other two scenes and the acting, everything went smoothly although I had to read lines out to Ryan as he had the long, exponential lines that were difficult to remember.

Editing also went very smoothly as I edited in sections by the different scenes and put them together in the sequence. I preferred doing it this way as it allowed me to focus on the scenes separately, fixing the audio and the colour correction before focusing on a different scene and repeating the same process. This allowed me to focus on the transitions between the scenes afterwards, which were more of an issue as I didn't have the correct footage to work well for the transitions but managed to use effects to complete the same effect. Between the reality and dream sequences, I used a png of lights over the top of the top of the footage, making the transition blur between the shots and using a ringing sound effect. This allows the audience to know the transition between reality and dreams throughout the film and what effect it is having on the reality. The music I chose throughout is to represent the tone of the scene, allowing the audience to use the music as guidance to the storyline. There were some issues with the lighting, not being able to fix them completely in editing as it would of made the shot worse so there are some issues throughout on the lighting of the scenes. The lighting was the biggest issues as there were no issues with sound during filming that I couldn't fix in editing, being able to alter the audio levels and putting in background noise to cancel out the odd noises that I didn't want to be audible to the audience.

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