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After doing my SWOT analysis I wanted to discover what jobs there are in the industry. I did this by going on Indeed.Com to see if I could find any roles that I would be interested in, roles I could get now or roles I could go for in the future. I also would be able to see the requirements for media based jobs and what level of experience many companies search for in an employer, helping me know what I need to do and what I already can do. I found three jobs and analysed them below.

This job is asking for a trainee camera operator and editor who wants to further their career with an independent company. This role asks for experience in film making or editing but is not essential to get the role although it is more preferred for the role. This role seems suitable for me at this current time as they aren't asking for a certain amount of experience or grades that I don't have, making it much easier for those to apply for these jobs who have just left education. They also ask for easier key skills such as experience in Premiere Pro CC, which I edit all of my videos in, and final cut. This makes it much easier for students like myself who wish to get a job straight out of college and this is the perfect opportunity for those searching to find a role in the media industry. They ask for the person to also be able to work long hours, an ability to work with a small team and a passion for film making.

As well as a job, this is also a role that offers work experience and skill development to those who apply, being an opportunity for those wanting a first job in the media industry. I feel like I would be able to apply for this role as it doesn't ask for much experience, which I mentioned above, and searches for someone with a good work ethic in team work. I have good skills in team work and have had experience in camera operating for assignments at college, pushing me to take charge and to work well with those around me to get the best possible outcome. The only thing about this role that I don't fit into is a full driving license but I could obtain in the next year through taking driving lessons along side studying. Another issue would be the distance as the job role is in Weston Super Mare but is a possibility for a job role.

This next job is searching for someone to be a videographer for a company in Gillingham. Unlike the first job, this one searches for many more elements in the occupant applying for the job. They search for a couple of years, or more, of commercial video production and photography experience. They also are looking for someone with experience in shooting established brands with a real creative flair. The person needs a head full of commercially sound, innovative, creative ideas and knowledge of the latest video trends for digital and social content production and top notch editing skills. They also need experience in Premiere Pro, Final Cut and Photoshop.

By looking at the job role I can tell that I would be able to apply for this style of job after a couple years of working in the media industry as they search for many more elements than the first job. They look for people with much more experience than myself and want someone who has worked with brands in the past. They also want someone who is focused on commercials which isn't the kind of media production that I am focused on as a film maker. Although I can edit and can use all of the software they ask for experience in, you can see that it is made for some one with experience in commercial building and creative flair. I would possibly be able to apply for this job in a couple of years with more work experience in the industry and media production. Another issue of this role, similar to the first, is the distance between where I study and where the job takes place but would be easier to apply for in a couple of years when I have obtained a driving license and more work experience in the industry.

This is a job which I wouldn't be able to apply for at my current position as they such for more inquiries than the first two jobs, making it hard for me to apply for this role. The biggest thing that stands as a threat to me about this role is being numerate as maths is my weakest element in study, the role searching for someone with better understanding in maths. Although I could do this job to a certain standard, they are searching for someone with experience in this role and organisation for companies in the media industry. This is a job that I can aspire to get in the future after gaining more experience and more responsibility in planning and organisation for bigger companies.

I can now understand what I need to gain to be able to apply to more jobs and where I stand in the media industry. Some skills I need to gain that are my biggest threats are experience in the industry and to obtain a driving license as many jobs ask for this from the occupant applying for the job. I understand that I have a good chance to apply for jobs with a trainee role and those that search for those that want to develop their skills and gain experience in an individual company.



  • (2017). Job Search | Indeed. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017].

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