When given the task to produce my own professional material, one thing that I knew that had to be updated to be more professional is my logo. My old logo is unprofessional and needs to be updated, the colours not working well and the lines not completely straight. The white lines are also an issue, making it look childish and doesn't work well with the colours I selected, the overall logo looking out of place compared to the rest of the work that I am producing, the logo being on a less professional level. I like the style that I had, myself wanting to keep my logo inside a circle as when I designed the original it was made to look like the aperture on a camera, linking to what I do as an occupation. I needed to update my logo to suit the work that I am producing and to be at the same professional standard of the rest of the work that I am producing to make it much clearer to future employers or an audience. The logo I designed was simplistic but needs a bit of an update to become more professional for the work I make now, fitting with my website.

To decide how much I should change my logo, I gathered a compilation of logos and looked at them to see what they had similar to each other, seeing all of the styles were simplistic and worked well with what the company does as their profession. I noticed that most logos were in black and white as these colours are seen as more professional and cooperate to other colours as they are crisp and easy to see, a couple using coloured backgrounds and logos but was in the minority. Black and white works well together as they make each other stand out and can be easily but onto a background which of either colour to make them stand out compared to other logos, lots of the logos that I looked at sharing the same designs in colour choices. I enjoy the back and white colour scheme along with the circle, keeping the original design of my logo intact with the new one I designed.
By looking at other logos, it helped me come up with ideas on what to produce and to what level I need my logo to fit in with companies or personal professions like my own but to also be somewhat unique and easy to remember for the audience. The simplistic design seems to be the way to be unique and professional compared to some other logos I had seen. I started to design my own logo once again, trying to keep it similar to the original design so it would be recognisable by the audience but taking in the techniques of the logos that I looked at, seeing many of them connecting letters and taking this into account when designing my own. I kept looking back at the design of the 'SM' logo as that was my main inspiration when designing my new logo.

My final design still has the original design of my initials inside a circle but looks much more simplistic and professional. I changed the colours to black and white to make the logo look more corporal and professional to match the rest of the work that I am producing. I made the design unique by connecting the letters to each other, similarly to the original logo, but by connecting the 's' into the circle and to the bottom of the 's', making it much more unique as it looks more interesting and different compared to my original logo. The font I chose also really makes the logo pop, the font not being straight and bland, as it flows into the circle easily and looks like it matches with the rest of the logo. It looks much more professional and much more bold than the original logo.