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For the past few weeks I have been editing my documentary to the best quality possible whilst going out filming the documentary in my free time with those that were happy to be filmed or out by myself. I used a column script along with the script I had originally wrote to know which order the clips and audio were supposed to go in to make the video flow as naturally as possible.

Editing the documentary was a new experience as I had to make it 5 minutes without making the documentary feel like it was dragging on and had to keep the audience entertained throughout the video. One thing that went well was the video was exactly five minutes, my calculations from before being accurate although some voice actors spoke faster than the average, myself editing by leaving gaps to make their speeches longer and to the average speed. This was easier in editing as I could line up all of the audio and see how long the video was before going out and filming the clips to go along with the video to see whether the script had to be longer to make it to the five minute mark.

With having the video planned out well beforehand and having the script with me made it much easier to find the flow for the video and how I wanted to represent the video to the audience. Many of the shots I took seemed to flow well together but throughout the editing I could see which shots worked and which didn't, allowing me to go back out and re-recording the clips or coming up with something that works better than the original idea. I didn't follow the storyboard after a while of re-evaluating my idea and starting the edit because I realised some ideas didn't work or I came up with some ideas that worked better in the edit, the storyboard becoming a very loose guideline to my work and changed the edit from the original vision. I also edited in the credits to the video, splitting it into sections to credit the people in the video to the best quality possible. I have a credit screen about the voice actors and then one about the actors in the video, some names in both areas as they provided me with footage with each area.

Some issues I had was that my video and audio files kept corrupting, myself losing my editing work multiple times but I had backed up all of the files onto my google drive to make sure I didn't lose them again. I managed to resolve the problem and managed to re-record the audio files lost, luckily not losing any video

footage as I kept all of the footage on my camera in case they corrupted once again. I also have naturally shaky hands, many of the shots being shaky but myself being able to stabilize them in editing, even though I used a tripod for some of the shots it was on a slope and would shake when zooming outwards.

Throughout this editing process I have learnt how to create text that is see through for the title screen, making my documentary overall more aesthetically pleasing to the audience. It was interesting to learn about this edit as I haven't worked with title screens in this way before, being able to edit the video differently to my other videos and to add some more detail to the overall video. What I would change about the edit is some of the shots I finished with, myself not liking the shaking from many of the shots and having to use warp stabilizer on the clips to make them look better, myself wishing I could've had the chance to re-record these clips but would take some planning to re-shoot those clips.



  • YouTube. (2017). How To Create Transparent Text In Premiere Pro (Track Matte). [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov. 2017].

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