'I really like it, very creative. I love that it had all the voices. Cinematography was really good too! Though I'd recommend some type of stabiliser but that's the only thing I'd say needs work. I thought that was really lovely! think you're really good at capturing life, the little boy was really cute!'- Sarah Cooke, voice actor.
'I am so proud of you your literally growing each time Kerrie, that was a wonderful message that's portrays truth, I have no things to say to improve that was very well done.'- Ana Teixeira
All of the feedback that I have gained from this documentary has been extremely positive, all of the people who gave me feedback interested by the video and enjoyed the video overall. This was an incredible amount of feedback and not much criticism was given about the overall video. Lots of people enjoyed the overall video and I managed to get a piece of feedback that was in great detail, allowing me to know exactly what they liked and disliked about the video. Like the other feedback, they discussed that they liked the narrative or script behind the video, being able to understand what I was trying to express to the audience. Many of the feedback I got back said that they were enticed to the end of the video and found the video compelling enough to watch the whole way through. One piece they said they enjoyed was the eye at the beginning and the end, saying that it gripped them until the end of the video.
'My favourite part of the documentary is the narrative of it, you can tell that each word has been thought of with care. The flow of it enticed me throughout it all and i was compelled to watch it all. There was never a dull moment for me. The shots you used i loved, especially when you focus on the eyes of a person, this really makes you think about how people perceive you and how you see them. If there was something to improved it would be on the shakiness in some shots, some work because this is a documentary whilst others don't, perhaps using warp stabilizer might have helped? Though I know at times it can be difficult to work with.'- Goncalo Santos Ganga, voice actor.
In the original questionnaire I ran, I asked the audience if they would find the topic of 'Perception' interesting and all of the responses were positive about the idea. From this feedback after making the video I can see this is evident for the target audience I chose and worked well on keeping the audience entertained throughout, many compliments being on the script/ poem I wrote, myself being happy that this was something people enjoyed and was impactful to the audience. The video reached my target audience well and managed to keep others interested that the video wasn't aimed at, showing that the topic I chose was a topic that could refer to everyone and was something everyone could understand.
'The video is great, it's a good idea and well filmed. Some of the footage is a little bit shaky, I don't know if it was on purpose but is the only thing that I would change. The writing was great and well thought; having different people reading was also a great idea, made everything less boring and more diverse. Well done.'- Ines Martins
The biggest issue with the whole documentary that many people picked up on was the shakiness of some of the shots. I got this feedback from Sarah Cooke and from two of my colleagues at college, Chloe Robertson and Goncalo Santos Ganga, but was told that the shaky tone worked on some of the shots but not on others. I knew this was an issue when out filming and editing and tried to stabilize my shots in filming and editing but some shots I couldn't get right to get rid of the shakiness.
'Script works very well with the visuals, you can tell a lot of thought has gone into it. Camera angles are good, really like the fire one. also really like the visuals through the eye,and the logo at the end. Would be even better if some of the shots where less wobbly however with the theme of the documentary it seems to work.'- Chloe Robertson
'Really good. I really liked the use of different voices and some interesting shots. Good use of locations and actors.'- Megan Quantock-Matthews
Next time I will try to make sure that all of my shots are stabilized or are shaky in a use of an affect. I was aware of this issue and will keep this in mind when filming my next project. I can improve this by practicing my camera techniques more frequently or by finding a piece of equipment to help balance out the camera to avoid the shakiness. This was the largest issue that many people pointed out, showing that this is something I need to work on to get correct in the next video and is a skill I need to practice.