'The British Film Institute is a film and charitable organisation which promotes and preserves filmmaking and television in the United Kingdom.'
We recently had a spokesperson for the BFI visit our college and have a presentation on their role in the industy. The BFI, or also known as the British Film Institute, has many opportunities for those between the ages of 16 and 19 years old, promoting and helping you develop your skills in film making. They give opportunities such as the film academy and will have over 40 different courses happening between September 2017 and March 2018 across the UK, having the opportunity to gain the essential skills to enter the film industry. The courses offered can provide at least 40 hours of training that take place on a regular evening or weekend class. Each course is practical to film making with workshops and practical work, using industry standard equipment to create your videos. They also offer special residential classes to those between the ages mentioned before hand.
If you aren't able to pay the full course fee, it shouldn't stop you from applying to the course as they provide coverage for the costs that you cannot afford if you get in touch with the course provider. Bursaries for travel and childcare are also available if you require assistance with these costs. They offer skills in camera operating, script writing, directing and many more aspects of jobs in the media industry, allowing you to work in a group to make a project and to play out your role. They allow you to work with professional actors for the films that you will create, allowing you to focus on the production rather than gathering actors alongside it.
'As a graduate of the BFI Film Academy you will become part of the growing alumni network and have access to year round events such as BAFTA career surgeries.'- BFI

They want to give you opportunities that you may have not gained to help develop your skills and build experience in the industry through different programmes, film events and networking opportunities. They offer courses for those that are 25 years or younger, allowing those that may of chosen this as their path later in life the opportunity to gain some experience in film making that they wouldn't of had before. They keep everyone in their mind as they believe that those that attend are the future of films, wanting to offer as much experience and understanding that they may of not had beforehand. There are numerous different courses and opportunities that will suit different people for what they wish to learn, their website showing all of these options in better detail and will help you gain a better understanding in the courses that they offer to you, allowing you to discover what would suit you best.
References (2017). Homepage | BFI. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov. 2017]. (2017). British Film Institute. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov. 2017].