When given the idea to make a live TV show that had to be approximately fifteen minutes long, my group decided on creating a quiz/panel show with multiple rounds to entertain the audience of 15 years old and up, following the distinctive age restrictions of 15+ rated films with two teams of two. Although the TV show is a group collaboration of work I had many aspects that I took a hold of for the show to help plan it and get it off of the ground.
One of my first contributions was in research, myself and Chloe taking on the task of researching YouTube panel shows, writing down notes about shows such as 'On the Spot' and 'I can't Even' to help gather information for our individual research essays, allowing the group to use the information to compare YouTube shows to TV shows. When delving into research to find out what was similar to what we wanted to create, we split and analysed TV panel shows and YouTube panel shows as we are trying to style the video to YouTube standards. To discover what kind of panel or quiz shows already exist on YouTube, we went ahead and found some shows that already exist on YouTube that aren't also aired on TV meaning that they are specific to YouTube. We wanted to research into these shows to show what they had similar in their techniques and styles and what they do differently to each other and how they are presented differently to the audience compared to TV shows.
Along with Chloe I worked on some of the pre-production files such as the risk assessment, kit list and floor plan to help execute our production better and to help advance our development on the show. As the floor manager these were important production files for me to understand, knowing where all of the contestants and camera operators will be on the set and what risks there are that I have to avoid anything happening to anyone. Along with this I was put in charge of putting together the presentation to present our idea to our tutor, myself writing down all of the information and putting it into a power point before passing it to Chloe to finalize anything I had wrote and to add the information missing before helping her design the poster for the show.

I went in with Byron and Ines to help direct Ensor in the photographs for the poster, trying to make it look professional. I sat with Ines and Chloe, discussing the poster and starting to think of the text to go onto it, myself writing down the information on the poster meanwhile of Byron making an email for the show to put on to the video. We tried to make the show look professional but fun, wanting to grab the attention of the audience as much as we possibly could so they would apply to be a contestant on our show. Along with this I sat with Byron to come up with a rough timing schedule or the show to make sure the layout of the show would reach 15 minutes. We worked out the average amount of time for each round and how long the introduction and outro should be. We also discussed the pre-recorded footage, making sure to work out the average length and take that away from the overall length of the show to work out the amount of time for the rounds we wanted to make.

I wrote the draft of the credits as this is an element of the show that will be needed to discover a suitable length of time for the credits that wouldn't outrun the rest of the show and fit in the 15 minute length mark for our show. After myself and Chloe found the credits suitable and correct, Chloe re-wrote the credits on the computer to share to the rest of the group, allowing them to see the work I had done and what was left to do, being able to tick them off the check list and continue on with more important documents. I also edited some old swedes in case we had to fall back on any of them we wouldn't be short on clips to use for our show, allowing us to quickly export these videos and using them as back up, becoming a fall back plan.