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For this project we were presented with creating a live show that is approximately fifteen minutes long, my group deciding on creating a quiz/panel show with multiple rounds to entertain the audience of 15 years old and up, following the distinctive age restrictions of 15+ rated films with two teams of two. We wished to make it have a modern set up but with a 80's colour theme, choosing the colour scheme of blue, brown and orange overall to create this style and having the questions based on TV shows and films.

When delving into research to find out what was similar to what we wanted to create, we split and analysed TV panel shows and YouTube panel shows as we are trying to style the video to YouTube standards. To discover what kind of panel or quiz shows already exist on YouTube, we went ahead and found some shows that already exist on YouTube that aren't also aired on TV meaning that they are specific to YouTube. We wanted to research into these shows to show what they had similar in their techniques and styles and what they do differently to each other and how they are presented differently to the audience compared to TV shows.

There were many similarities between the YouTube shows that we analysed, all of them using similar techniques or styles. Blue lighting is the first, all of the shows using blue lighting to make the hosts and guests stand out from the background so the audience's eyes are focused on them throughout the show. They all have quick introduction sequences before the host introduces the guests to the audience, keeping it short to keep the audience's attention on the show and not to take up to much space with the introduction that could be used for another round or different content. Motifs on tables and multiple rounds was also two other similarities I could draw between the shows, keeping the structure of the show planned out and to the topics that they are speaking about, many having the logo on them to keep it under their chosen style. This influenced us heavily in how to present our song, taking all of the similarities and trying to implement those ideas into our own show to fit to the audience the best we could.

Pre-production went well, everyone chipping in where needed and completing the work that they were assigned to do and completed on time, the group working together to motivate others to complete the work or to help wherever the group got stuck on part of the pre-production. many of the documents had multiple people working on them or would be double checked by the other, making sure that all the correct elements were involved in the paperwork and covered the original idea of our project, presenting it as best as we could through writing. I worked on paperwork such as the risk assessment, kit list and floor plan to help execute our production better and to help advance our development on the show, the group equally taking their own paperwork and completing it to the regime.

Another thing that went well was the group meetings, all of us turning up and discussing our issues and planning to resolve them or to come up with a new regime to complete the show. Throughout the meetings held we managed to discuss a lot of the issues and the plans to get everyone back on track with the project and to assign people with more work, allowing us to keep working. This was the element of our project that worked most like a film production, all of us coming with ideas and listening to each other to try and implement the best ideas that we possibly could to the show. By discussing these topics we managed to discover who would be carrying them out from our roles and where we could help out with others, sharing the work and being able to understand each others issues and developments throughout the project, being able to share our work and gather different opinions.

There were many trip ups throughout the project, some of us having different ideas but working together to come up with a better conclusion overall, all of us being able to understand the other opinions and how to apply them to the situation by coming up with a compromise. We worked well as a team and because of these factors and makes it easy to get back on our feet and push the arguments aside to produce the show. The lack of communication in the group on re-shoots and what was left to be completed resulted in the swedes being re-filmed without the group knowing about it and the set being left to the last second. By having the lack of communication it became hard to work as a group as elements of the show that were important wasn't completed on time although we pushed each other to work and to complete them on time.

Another issue that occurred was many arguments between the group, all of us having different ideas on what would work and what wouldn't work but would butt heads at the fact of being strong headed about the idea. Many of the arguments occurred over knowing that the work we had done wasn't as far ahead as it should have been and the director would be backed up into a corner and would pick a side, splitting the group in half. We managed to resolve the arguments but should have allowed the director to take better control of the project, discussing our issues with them privately rather than in the group meetings that we carried out throughout the project.

We quickly ran into an issue with the results given from the questionnaire, the target audience not interested in an 80's theme like we originally planned. As a group we had a discussion about the issues we had been facing about the TV show and its theme and we decided to change our set pieces. After this decision we all felt much better and more confident in the show as many of our issues were relied on the set, changing the set allowing us to go with something more simplistic and professional than having to stick to a theme. This change also seemed to resolve many of our arguments and allowed us to work together with a new fresh idea and without the arguments about creating the 80's vision of the director that was creating the most of our issues.

What I have learnt from this project is that it can be hard working in a group and that everyone should be assigned one role rather than having multiple roles each which wasn't a choice for this project as the amount of roles needed would have exceeded the amount of people we had in the group. I also learnt that with my issues where the director would take a side that I should have discussed the issues with them privately to help them understand my concerns about the project rather than discussing it in front of the group which sometimes forced opinions. I also learnt that a long project like this can be diminishing and tiring for everyone in the group, making people lack the motivation and can influence the arguments we had, myself now knowing how the situations should have been handled and what to do next time I am in a similar situation to before.

What we would have changed would be the theme from the beginning if we knew how difficult it would of been to try and replicate as this would have made us all much more calm about the show and be able to work together to create a show that is more modern and fitting to what our audience wanted rather than what we thought would be interesting and different. The change resolved many of our arguments and allowed us to work together with a new fresh idea that I think we all wished we had decided on from the beginning of the project. We also would have tried to be more enthusicatic about the project overall, the amount of time and relability on others straining the group and making it hard to work together enthusicastically. We also would have allowed the director to have more control and to discuss the issues we were facing privately to try and allow the director to feel in control of the project overall and to try and reslove the issues we were facing.

Overall this project didn't go as planned, all of us arguing and the set being the main issue overall of the project but taught us that to resolve the arguments we were having and to try and resolve the issues that occurred throughout. It taught all of us how much strain can be put onto the group to make sure that everyone was doing their job and completing the work required by the correct time, allowing us to understand the many complications that can come from relying on others that may lack the motivation behind the project.

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