When researching my audience I first wanted to understand the age of the audience to understand what kind of content I could include and how to frame my idea to the audience. From the questionnaire I can see that most of my audience is 17 or younger or 18 to 24. This shows that my target audience ranges between 16 to 24, having a secondary audience of 25 to 34 and 45 to 54. This means that I have a larger and wider range of ages to work with, managing to cover almost any age and can angle my production to fit one age group more specifically. I plan to aim for 16 to 30 years old as it covers the range of the audience that I reach the most. By knowing this it means that I can sit in the specifications of this target audience and perform to the best of my ability to aim to this audience.

Next I asked gender although my film will be aimed for both males and females, being a piece of information I was interested in gathering. Whilst looking at the information it became clear that my audience was fairly even between male and female, making it easier to aim my film towards both genders. If one gender dominated the other, the selection process may of been in favour of the higher numbers but the balance makes it much more simple as it can be aimed at both genders, not having to change my idea.

As my genre is an action comedy, I wanted to see what the audience was interested in, asking them whether they enjoy action comedies. With the results it is clear that the audience enjoys this genre, some having chosen sometimes as they may not want to watch them frequently or depending on the content given to them. This allows me to work on my production without a worry as I know the audience I am aiming at enjoys this genre, myself being able to conduct more research into this area and to understand it better.
With the questions before and the results given, I next asked which of Edgar Wright's Films they have seen and if they have watched any others I didn't list. The most popular out of the selection were his trilogy of Shaun of The Dead, Worlds End and Hot Fuzz. Some others that they listed that I didn't list were Scott Pilgrim Vs The World and A Fistful of Fingers. I asked this question to understand whether the audience have watched his films and to be able to watch others that I didn't know of to express his style the best as I could in my own film. I learnt that his films are very popular with my target audience, many of them knowing his films as not one of his films didn't get one vote on the questionnaire, showing all of his films are popular and well known to the audience.
Along with the question above I asked what they enjoyed about his films, learning that many enjoyed the style of comedy and his uniqueness in his films. There were many that wrote down certain parts of films that they enjoy or jokes from the show, showing that these scenes in particular are the most popular with the audience and I should try to include them into my own film if possible.

Next I told them the story line of my film before asking them whether they enjoyed this idea or not, showing an overwhelming amount of those that took the questionnaire thought the idea was good. With this result it makes me more confident in creating a film in Edgar Wright's style that the audience will enjoy, being able to work on the production of this short film knowing the audience will enjoy it. Although there were a couple that thought the idea wouldn't work or wasn't sure on the idea, it shows that many believe the idea could work with the select few that didn't enjoy the idea which is perfectly fine.
With the possibility of them not enjoying the idea, I asked them what they liked or didn't like about my idea to understand why they liked or disliked my idea. What many liked about the idea is the characters and the story line, all of them enjoying the idea of the robbers and their interactions with each other. The select few that said maybe on the question beforehand showed in this question as they said that it would have to be well thought out to be able to perform the comedy of his films, myself taking this into consideration whilst in production of my short film as it is an important element of my film.

Although I knew of the location that I wanted to film in, I wanted to ask the audience to see if they agreed with my idea as I mentioned it in the story line question, many of them agreeing that the pub would be the best location of filming for this short film. With this confirmation from my target audience allows me to know that this is what they'd expect from a film in Edgar Wright's style, allowing myself to aim to find a location in a pub with knowing that this is something the audience expects.