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Music is important as it can manipulate the audience's emotions to make them feel a certain way, being a powerful tool in story telling techniques or impactful scenes. 'Where a score sets the tone, a good soundtrack gives a movie personality.' Mitchell-Baker, D. (2018)

Epic Cinematic Dreams Music

The song is gripping and gains the audience's attention, making them continue to watch to understand the mysterious undertones behind the song. I also chose this song as it is easy to edit to and provokes emotion in the audience, hooking the audience from the first note of the song, being impactful to the audience and story telling. It picks up the pace near the end of the song but isn't too intense, being able to create some tension but allowing the audience to understand that nothing super intense such as a fight scene is coming their way. This songs is a good introduction song, this being what I plan to use it for as it is mysterious but not super fast paced that it would feel out of place. I plan to use the song to grip the audience at the beginning and to gain their attention, drawing them into the film from the beginning.


This song is calm but continues to grip the audience as it sparks imagination into the audience that listens to it, provoking emotions in the audience from the beginning. I chose this song as it would be good for calmer parts of the video as it is more emotional and can be used to provoke emotion in the audience when characters are talking. The song also works well with cinematic shots and is easy to edit to, being smooth and calm that the shots can transition nicely between them. Dreamland also flows nicely off of Epic Cinematic Dreams Music, being how I want it to work and the order that I will use them, this being the perfect match to the song beforehand.

Epic Cinematic Trailer

I chose this song as it is good for emotional talking scenes, being calm but emotional to the audience, helping provoke the emotions. The song is easy to listen to but has meaning behind the song, hooking the audience in to the video.The song also works well with cinematic shots and is easy to edit to, being smooth and calm that the shots can transition nicely between them. I plan to use the song to grip the audience to gain their attention, drawing them into the film when the characters are talking about the situation at hand.


This song has good flow and transition between the pacing of the song, gripping the audience to listen to the song all the way through. I chose this song as it works well for the end credits, reminding me of music that plays after a cliffhanger in a film. This song I plan to use to provoke emotion in the audience and to bring the whole video to a conclusion on the feelings of the audience. The song starts off slow, managing to give time to the audience to understand that it was a cliff hanger before becomes easy to listen to as the credits play through, being a good song to end on as it can make the audience question what would've happened next if there wasn't a cliff hanger.



  • Mitchell-Baker, D. (2018). The importance of a soundtrack to a film. [online] The Edge. Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). ♩♫ Epic and Dramatic Trailer Music ♪♬ - Copyright and Royalty Free. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). ♩♫ Epic and Dramatic Trailer Music ♪♬ - Olympus (Copyright and Royalty Free). [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Epic Cinematic Dreams Music. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2018].

  • YouTube. (2018). Epic Cinematic Inspirational Trailer Music - Dreamland. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2018].

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