Music Video- Something Like This Lyrics
SOMETHING LIKE THIS- SHOOT THE MOON Show me your cards and I’ll be your advocate as you find your way. Give me a play and I’ll give you...

Music Video Production Journal
3rd January 2017 Storyboard has been completed by myself and Ines. Storyboard had contributions when Anna was in on other days and has...
Podcast Script
Welcome to Pass Time, I am your host Kerrie Sloper, and today we will be speaking about differences between the UK and (Country). We are...

Analysis of Podcast Shows
Ear Biscuits- Good Mythical Morning Ear Biscuits is a podcast created by the team of Good Mythical Morning (GMM) and is presented by...

Getting A Band/Artist For Music Video
For our music video project, we were challenged to find an unsigned artist or band to create a music video for. After looking on websites...

Ideas for Podcast Topics
A new assignment has been set at College to create a podcast in a documentary style. The podcast has to go on for two to five minutes and...

Mannequin Challenge
A popular trend of 2016 swooped its way to our college, allowing us to do our own version in the TV and Film Studio. We had to organise...

Stourhead Videos- Day 1Journal
On the 1st December, we were challenged to get some b-roll clips for the promotional video we are creating for Stourhead. We were split...

Critical & Contextual Awareness in Music Video Production- Essay
In this essay, I will be analysing six different music videos speaking about their context, meaning and style of music video and types of...
Group Music Video- Never Gonna Give You Up: Rick Astley
Yesterday, we created a music video for Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up. We were challenged to create a music video in our class...

Stourhead/ National Trust Poster
Poster with Place hold Image Finished Poster

Music Video Theory- Andrew Goodwin Worksheet
Relationship Between the Lyrics and the Visuals Relationship between the lyrics and the visuals is basically following a narrative. What...

Audio To Animation Tutorial
This was a tutorial we took to understand how to make a video clip, or even a word, move to the beat of the song. In the first video, a...

Dancing On My Own: Calum Scott Music Video
This was a test music video for our project assignment. This was a music video made for "Dancing on My Own" by Calum Scott. This video...

Types of Music Videos- Music Video Theory
In music industry, music videos can be made to be shown along side to a new released song. Music videos can be split into three different...